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Taehyung's POV

I waited nervously in a bench at the park. It's currently 14:50. She said to meet at 15:00, amd every second that had passed is killing me. She probably called me here to talk about last night which will not end well, because who would be fine if someone suddenly kissed when you're dating someone and you just had a fight with him?

Ughh! I messed up real bad! These stupid hormones just couldn't contain itself huh?! Ughh! And I was doing fine as her bestfriend, aish! Now that's all going to end because of one stupid mistake!

I was startled when someone suddenly sat beside me. It was her. I gulped as my palms became sweaty because of nervousness taking over my whole system.

"Hey Tae!" She said cheerfully.

but I can clearly see that she's trying her best to make this less awkward as possible.

"H-hi..!" Gosh dammit! I just had to stammer huh?

An awkward silence followed.

This was expected. Ughhh! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

I was once again startled when I felt a hand grab my arm, "Yah! You're gonna hurt yourself!"

I didn't even notice that I was already hitting my head as I was repeating 'stupid' in my head. Now I really feel stupid as I blushed hard after the sudden touch.

"Uh-uh.. M-mianhe!" She said and slowly let go of my arm, with a crooked smile.

Then awkward silence took over once again.

I was about to say something but closed my mouth as I was too awkward to say anything. I saw her open her mouth to and she was about to speak but like me, she closed it. She then opened it again as if she was thinking of the most polite way of rejecting me. While I was there waiting for her to speak, trying to ready myself for a probably unforgettable reject.

My attention then darted back to her when she sighed deeply and spoke, "You know what? I cannot take any of this awkwardness between us anymore and I can't simply ignore you the rest of my life as I don't have the heart to do that, so let's just forget about what you did last night and move on okay? It's not like it had some meaning behind it, right?"

For some unknown reason, I felt my heart sink. I felt disappointed. I should be happy that she's willing to forget what I did and forgive me, moving on, but for some reason I want her to just accept it(?) I'm confusing.

Nonetheless, I nodded, "Yeah, I'm sorry about that, I just panicked because you were crying and I never handled a crying person before, and well I just didn't know what to do and... You know... " I started rambling. Everything I said was strue tho...

She just nodded and patted my shoulder, "It's okay, I forgive you, even if you stole my first kiss.."

My eyes widened, "WAIT WHAT!?" I exclaimed and looked at her flabbergasted.

She just stared at me and nodded, "Yeah.. I know right? You're probably thinking why even though I had Jungkook. Even my unnies wondered about that too, but as you now know Jungkook and I never really shared a kiss on the lips yet"

I was too shocked to even say anything else after that. The once disappointed feeling turned into joy almost immediately. I can't believe it.

I'm her first kiss.

ASBJXEHAJBDBD! I had to stop myself from fanboying in front of her. OMG! I really need to tell someone about this! Aahh! I can't just contain this excitement all to myself!

I didn't realize I was still staring right at her until she snapped her fingers in front of me.

"Hello? Tae? Are you still there?"

✔His One Sided Love [Taennie Adaption]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora