Chapter 21- Wedding Catastrophe

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I woke up the following morning refreshed . I could hear Mrs Wesley shouting at Ron to wake up outside my room .

"Ronald Wesley you get up right now , we have a wedding to prepare for !" She shouted .

I giggled to myself and rolled out of the bed. Ginny knocked on the door and I told her to come in.

"Morning " she said softly .

"Morning " I said whilst yawning

"I'm afraid the wedding is due to begin in a couple of hours . It seems crazy to have a wedding now out of all time  really " she said whilst rummaging through my bag.

"I agree " I said sleepily

"I'm afraid I don't have an outfit prepared for the wedding " I said as Ginny frowned at my clothes . 

"Don't worry " she said with a mischievous grin whilst exiting the room.

I smiled back at her and went to splash cold water on my face in the hopes of waking me up.

A few minutes later Ginny returned with a beautiful dark blue dress .

"This will look beautiful on you " she said enthusiastically.

It was a short dark blue dress with a beautiful neckline .

"Are you sure" I said nervously

"Of course . Here's a cardigan to go with it" she said whilst passing me a white cardigan and laying the dress down .

"Let me know if you need anything else " she said before heading out the room.

"Thankyou " I replied softly

I brushed my hair thoroughly and tied two little plaits going into one at the back and left the rest of my hair down .

Once I was satisfied I began to change into the dress . It was absolutely beautiful , I smiled at myself in awe as I looked in the mirror .

It was half an hour till the wedding so I went downstairs and noticed the Ministry of magic was talking to Ron, Hermione and Harry . I left them to it and went to find Ginny.

Once I'd found her I began to help carry things to the marquee outside . I caught a glimpse of Fleur ( the bride ) whilst carrying champagne and smiled at her .

Shortly after setting up the food tables the guests began to arrive . Some came on broomsticks, some appeared and others used the port key . I introduced myself and the wedding began.

After the ceremony, we filtered into the marquee and began the party . Fleur and William were having the time of their lives dancing. Ginny went of to see her parents so I went to talk to Harry , Hermione and Ron.

"I bet Ron's jealous " Hermione said laughing

Ron shoved Hermione and rolled his eyes

"At least I was interested in a nice looking girl , victor is almost identical to a dried prune" Ron muttered

Hermione gasped and we all stared laughing

Before long I noticed that the rays of sun started to drastically fade . Black clouds rolled in and the air became sharply cold . The room fell silent and everyone stopped what they were doing . I glanced at Harry who couldn't keep his eyes of the sky . All of a sudden black plumes of smoke darted across the sky , I recognised them instantly as deaths eaters.

"RUNNN " screamed Mr Weasley

All the guests ran and vanished in different directions . I ran outside trying to find Ginny . I felt a hand grab me by the arm firmly . I looked up and saw my aunt smiling away .

"You're coming with me" she said firmly with a grin .

I struggled to brake free of her grasp but before I knew it she was dragging me into the marshy fields. I screamed and took out my wand . I attempted to cast a spell but Bellatrix snatched it straight out my hand and placed it in her pocket . Helplessly I let her drag me .

Suddenly a bright green light shone and hit Bellatrix . She let go of me and I fell to the ground . I looked up and saw Mr Weasley wand fighting my aunt .

Mr Weasley struck her , causing her to run off. I saw her turn into a cloud of smoke and fly through the air . Before she vanished she flew through the burrow and set it on fire . I gasped and struggled to my feet .

"Nooo" I screamed whilst running towards the house .

The Weasley's stood helplessly staring at the house as it crumbled .

I noticed more death eaters approaching from the corner of my eye . I reached for my wand but remembered Bellatrix had took it. Tears rolled down my cheeks and anger bubbled inside me.

The death eaters swooped towards me and attempted to grab me . Hermione ran towards me with Harry and Ron and grabbed me tight . Almost instantly we were swirling around through the air . We all collapsed onto the ground and found that we were in the middle of a forest .

We looked at eachother in shock .

" it's all my fault " I cried " they were coming for me "

"It's not your fault " Harry said as he placed his hand on my shoulder " war has broken out now , they are targeting everyone "

I nodded and sniffed .

Hermione searched in her bag and took out a tent . We helped build it and placed it down .

"We must make protection charms for our safety" she said

We all nodded

I sighed and looked to the ground.

" If only I had my wand " I said frowning

"Where is it " Ron and Harry said at the same time

"Bellatrix took it , I'm never getting it back now" I said annoyed

"Don't worry , as long as one of us is with you you'll be fine "Hermione said whilst smiling

"Your right , who needs a wand when I've got you three to protect me" I said smirking

We all laughed and hugged each other. We were in in together now , whatever happened we were in it together .

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