Ch. 2 Don't Patronize Me

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The detective had another fifteen minutes to wait before he could return home. The bench he was sitting on was starting to get cold, and the temperature was dropping. L shivered and closed his eyes for a moment, as he did so, he replayed the entire conversation on his mind.

Fifteen minutes passed and the elder teen began to walk home, a bright scarlet blush painted his cheeks as he thought of Light's beautiful, cinnamon colored eyes.

As soon as he stepped into the apartment, Watari could tell something happened. He gave a small smirk, "Sir, are you alright?"

The uke snapped back into reality. "Yes, I'm fine thank you. How are you?"

"Rather well, although you look like a tomato." The elder male chuckled.

That only made L blush more. "I'll be back in a moment, I need to grab my cell," the uke replied a little too quickly and darted to his room. He quickly added the younger teen's number in. Then texted him,'Hello Light, this is L.'

Light heard his phone go off, he opened it and checked the message, the caramel-haired teen quickly created a new contact for L. Then replied, 'Hey L, how are you?' A slight blush began to paint itself on his cheeks.

The uke told Light to meet him at two-thirty on May twelfth, which was two days from now.

Watari called for the deceive, dinner was ready.

L hugged his phone and placed it on the bed, "Coming."

He ate happily, did the dishes, and showered. L quietly sang Lovestruck by Blood on the Dance Floor.

Watari was already asleep by the time the uke got out, L could hear him snoring softly from the next room.

The detective smiled and got dressed for bed. He walked over and turned down the sheets, 'I know it's a bit pointless to attempt to sleep, but Light-kun can't stay up all night.'

The seme texted him, 'Hey L, are you awake?'

The detective chuckled and replied, 'I'm an insomniac, yes I am.'

':( I'm sorry to hear that, I wish I could help you.' Light typed.

'Don't worry, I'll be alright.' L replied.

'Well, I'll see you in two days, good night L.' Light then set the alarm on his phone and fell asleep.

Surprisingly, the detective fell asleep as well. It had been the first time in years actually. A smile was etched on his face as he continued to clutch his cell like a hand. The uke had dreamed of kissing Light. It was a very peaceful night.

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