human dior

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  ⠀⸻  ⠀⠀ PICKING UP HER BAGS , miso stepped out of the shopping centre , proud with her new purchases from dior

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⠀⸻ ⠀⠀ PICKING UP HER BAGS , miso stepped out of the shopping centre , proud with her new purchases from dior . she was shaking from excitement , she couldn't wait to get home and start trying out her new clothes practically getting ready to walk the runway of fashion . the runaway that her mother conveniently named from the constant walks up and down the hall of miso trying new clothes .

the excitement was cut short when many loud noises were heard . miso then spotted a woman pinned to a wall with shopping bags in her hands , a bunch of delinquents surrounding the woman . with a few more squints and glances she suddenly realised that it was her friend kotoha .

cursing at her horrible , deteriorating eye sight , miso quickly sprinted forward . well as fast as she could in heels and got to kotoha as quick as possible . putting her hand on one of the male's shoulder , she wasted no time and punched him right in the face . instantly he crumpled to the ground as the rest of the group turned to look at her . " what's a pretty girl like you doing here , meddling with us ? " one of the guys sneered " with a pretty face like that you could make a good toy , why don't you date me huh ? i'll protect you from delinquents . " miso almost vomited at the male's remark . her face contorting into a nasty expression " ewww , a guy like you that looks like an overgrown rat with no home or family to go back to wants to date a girl like me ? a girl who literally bathes in designer brands ? sorry hun , but i'm way out of your league . plus i can protect myself , no one needs your stinky ass to save them , so do everyone a favour and scoot . " rolling her eyes , miso side eyed the guy and punched him in the face . blood spraying in the air and onto her clothes , " i would say i just made you look uglier , but i don't even know if that's possible since your looks are already rock bottom . " with that miso picked up her shopping bags as she dragged kotoha away with half the males staring at her in shock .

kotoha smiled at the girl , " thanks for saving my ass there human dior ! i guess i owe you some free food now . " miso rolled her eyes at the nickname but instantly brightened at the remark of free food , she adored kotoha's cooking a bit too much for her liking . " yep , i want a fresh batch of dorayaki made , omg i can't wait to eat it ! " kotoha laughed at her response , ruffling miso's hair . " noted ! a fresh batch of dorayaki coming soon ! " miso instantly brightened and hugged her friend . " i'll come to the cafe tomorrow morning for them , see you then ! " waving , miso slowly walked back to her house or well mansion .

arriving home she glanced at the mirror and groaned out loud , her clothes were stained with splatters of blood from before . muttering out strings of curses , miso grabbed a change of clothes and took off the blood stained clothes throwing them into the wash . sighing she collapsed onto the sofa near by , almost melting into it from the softness . those delinquents ruined her day and now she had no motivation to do a runway or start her kazuha ab work out .

closing her eyes , miso suddenly thought about school . it was going to start in two days , smiling slightly she thought about a certain male . she couldn't wait to see him again , with that thought in her mind she drifted to sleep . thinking about the plates of dorayaki she was going to eat tomorrow morning .

⠀© illitzs , 2024

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© illitzs , 2024

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