Eclipse Lake

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A/N 1: Nearly halfway there...


In the Emperor's castle, someone strolled past a blueprint for a portal key, Belos' mask, and...a book containing Grimwalker ingredients and a picture of Hunter-like eyes. A tube was placed into a door lock, and he waved his hand. The Abomaton spun a wheel, and a green material emerged from the tubes, leading all the way to the door...the entrance to the human realm. A pieced-together key was inserted into the lock, but it entirely crumbled, shutting everything down. Hunter was not wearing his mask and was watching nearby. Li'l Rascal landed on his shoulder and chirped quietly.

"Shoo," he said, but the palisman just moved to his other shoulder.

"Would you like to see how it works, Hunter?" Emperor Belos said, the youngster gasping. Li'l Rascal transformed into simple wood and buried it under his cloak.

"I didn't mean to hide...Emperor Belos," Hunter said, approaching his uncle, who had a green scar on his face and long ash-blond hair.

"We found every piece of the door, but without the power of the real key, it refuses to open," Belos said, frustrated.

"Is it true that rain doesn't boil in the human realm?" Hunter questioned.

"It is," the man smiled slightly. "You know, I've been there before. Did I ever tell you that?"

The boy merely shook his head "No."

"The trees there are green. The nights are quiet. I look forward to seeing it again. Were you spying on me just to hear these boring stories?" He proceeded down the stairs, hands behind his back.

Hunter cast a short glance away.

"The operation at the Knee, why did you switch me out with Kikimora?" He had just discovered that Kikimora had been assigned to head a search down at the Knee, and he was informed by a captain that he had been moved out.

"Everyone has a use, Hunter," Belos said, placing a hand on his shoulder. The two began walking. "Kikimora has her intricate little plans. The scouts carry out orders. And you...well...the Titan has big plans for you, and it will be such a hassle to find a replacement."

Hunter's eyes widened as he realized this could be related to the palismen mission, and Belos served no function other than to keep him away.

"So, right now, you can be useful by staying safe in the castle."

"If this is punishment for failing my last mission, I swear I can do better!" he assured his uncle.

"Goodnight, Hunter," Belos said, smiling slightly as he closed the door. Hunter turned back to the door, dissatisfied with his new duty, and ran away.


Amity strolled along the corridor on the Owl House's second floor, looking through a clipboard. "Hooty, what's your status?" she inquired, looking out a window that Hooty had broken into to speak with her.

"The perimeter's secure! Nothing's getting past me."

"Good," she said, walking past the window. "Clean up that mess."

"Ma'am!" He swept it with his body.

"Willow," She approached the girl, who was carrying a suitcase, Clover flying over. "Have you gathered the supplies?"

"Yes!" She saluted her friend. "We're ready to attack this on all fronts."

A white cat palisman approached them, carrying something in her mouth.

"Excellent. Aw, Ghost," Amity smiled as her palisman placed down a dead bug. "Did you help too?"

Amity scratched her chin.

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