13. That untrue dream

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Can't take back the love that I gave you
It's to the point where I love and I hate you
And I cannot change you, so I must replace you (oh)
Easier said than done
I thought you were the one
Listening to my heart instead of my head
You found another one, but
I am the better one
I won't let you forget me

~Lucid Dream by Aespa



"Well that was a hell of a dream now." Jisoo said, her chest pounding, trying to calm herself down.

Jisoo had been seeing quite weird dreams with her in trouble and Taehyung with her,

She convinced herself it was because she was thinking about him too much, but a part of her heart kept thinking he liked her.

But this dream,

It was something different and much scary than that.

"Who was the girl which lived with me?"

"How did she also have strict parents?"

"What was I doing living with her?"

So many questions in her mind, which kept her wide awake the whole time.

"Ugh someone kill me, I can't sleep and I have a class at 9.30" She said to herself, frustrated.

And she got less to no sleep with her mind not shutting the fuck up.

So Jisoo decided to get out of her bed at 8.00 and get ready for her new class, She was trying out taekwondo, she just liked it cuz she would be able to kill people more efficiently. 

So she got up, got dressed, and went to that class, a bit nervous, but excited!

-After the class-

"Ouch fuck" Jisoo said while walking.

"That class was a killer well" She said.

Her whole body sore, but she still had to go home, and check up on the messages she got.

Where she found something,

An important message,

From a Taehyung I suppose.

"Why's he messaging now? Didn't he already stop doing that" She said in an angry tone.

Until she saw Jungkook's message, 

"HE DID WHAT?!" She internally screamed.

"What? I was trying to help" Jungkook replied.


Apparently Jungkook had messaged Taehyung to talk to Jisoo, and one thing was clear Jisoo HATED having people know that she wanted to message them, she always thought she was annoying, so she never tried to message anyone.

Well she read his messages and just ignored them. Until the next day's afternoon, with her body still aching as hell, she was still doing as much as possible work ,with her mom angry on her for not doing work and taunting her, even after knowing that Jisoo was in pain after that class. 

But well what would Jisoo even do at this point, she still had to do the work, and study.

And after her work she got a message:




-Kim Jisoo: 

oh look who's online?


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