Hawaii conflict (1657)

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"Beard and funny blonde man get over here" the colonel shouts. Beard and blonde man run over to the colonel "what is it sir" beard says "well boys the russians or something have a nuclear reactor and we need you to take it over" the colonel says in a stirn voice "but sir didn't we skip over half of my plot that will be important later?" Beard says in a confused voice. "Stfu if you don't do my order i will do something violent" the colonel says in a anrgy tone. "Yes sir" beard says "now get a move on" the colonel shouts. Beard and funny blonde man go grab there dope ass guns but then the blonde man notices a cool gun beard is holding "what is that" blonde man says "its a gun from the future" beard says "no fair hes gotta gun from the future" blonde man says. Beard and blonde man walk over the power plant thats conveniently placed right beside them "lets go" beard says. In the first 5 minutes beard gets fucking shot "BEARD" jacket i mean blonde man shouts "im back" beard says "what the fuck?" Blonde man says "dw i pressed A on my controller and came back"  beard says "oh makes sense" blonde man says. Beard and blonde man go to the power plant and homer Simpson dies for some reason "is that homer?" Blonde man shouts "bruh" beard says. Then an epic explosion happens injuring blonde man "dw i gotchu blonde man" beard says "thank yo-" blonde man says. Beard and blonde man barley escape "thank you" blonde man says with a twinkle in his eyes almost looking like an anime girl when 2 characters are gonna kiss "no problem" beard says with a blush on his cheeks. Beard and blonde man lean in to kiss but get rudely interrupted by the colonel "hey we can't use a shocking relationship plot twist until later in the story also heres a photo of you to that will come in handy later" the colonel hands jacket a photo of beard and him together "thanks ig" blonde man says before the camera pans into the sun ending the chapter.

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