·' ⭐ Love you, thanks... 🩷 '·

41 3 4

Tw : None.

A/N : finale chapter, 3 years after the previous chapters.

Darryl POV :

I love the word ’ love.‘ it's so silly and it means so much. It can mean. : having a feeling of romance. But what I didn't know, was that I'd eventually be married to Zak. My best friend. We adopted a 16 year old boy, he's doing well.. Okay, first. I married Zak a few months ago, no regrets. Secondly, he got help mentally! Im so proud of him, super proud. The end? Well- Not yet. It's October 1st and we have to decorate around the house. Sapnap- err.. my adopted son, is doing his bedroom, the kitchen, and the porch. I am doing the living room and me and Zaks bedroom. Zak is doing the backyard. So much work later, it's finished. Finally, Peace.

Me, sapnap and Zak, would sit down on the porch swing. I'd lean my head on Zak's shoulder as I held him tightly.

” We got our happy ending! Right?..“

” We did..“

( Written by : Kayla )

( Chapter count : 16.)

( So long, so little .  Thanks for reading, bye Muffinheads..)

( Word count : 186)

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