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Logged in as Tae.taeger

3:40 pm

Are you okay?!?!?!?!?

4:00 pm

Are you alive!?!?!?

4:10 pm

I'm so soorryyyy for Jungkook's acts! I should've been there for you...
I'm so sorry!

4:15 pm

Please be okay...
I was so so worried! Oh! And don't worry! I'll be over at the nurses clinic after my classes! (In this story, Jennie is taking dance lessons every afternoon after school)


•.• Woah... She's worried?
She even spammed me with messages.


Hey Jen, I' sorry I wasn't able to reply. And don't worry! I'm fine😊


Jennierubyjane logged out.

Tae.taeger logged out.

Jennie's POV

I rushed on the way to our school, hoping that Taehyung would still be there, so that I can walk him home.

I barged into the school corridors and immediately ran towards the nurse's office. When I reached the front door, I was panting heavily, since I just ran after our instructor dismissed us, so I didn't have time to rest and I was also bringing a heavy backpack full of food. You can say that they're part of my apology.

After taking a few deep breaths, I entered the room to be greeted by the nurse herself. I immediately bowed once I stepped foot inside.


She smiled sweetly and bowed back, "Annyeong, so what do you need help with?" She asked as she motioned for me to sit on one of the beds.

I waved my hands in front of me and shook my head, "No, no, no. I'm just here to visit a friend" I told her.

She then made an 'o' with her mouth and nodded, before smiling.

"Is your name perhaps, Jennie?" She asked.

Wait. How did she know? Did Taehyung tell her about me, coming over?

I just nodded my head in response. She smiled brightly, "Oh well! The person your looking for is in bed two, over there with the curtains closed" I looked over to where she's pointing at and nodded when I spotted it.

"Well then, I'll leave you here with him, I have to go somewhere for errands" she said in a rather excited voice or rather more like close to squealing and I don't know the reason why.

She then skipped her way out of the office while I just stared at the door after she closed it. I wonder what she's excited about. Maybe she's going on a date?

I just smiled at the thought. The thought of people being happy because of love just makes my insides flutter and I just can't help but feel happy for them too.

I snapped back out of my thoughts, as the thought of taehyung went in my head. Right! Taehyung!

I made my way to bed 2 and opened the cutains only to see a sleeping Taehyung with his mouth open.

UwU! Kyeopta~!💜

I was tempted to pinch his puffy cheeks, but I don't wanna wake him up! You know what? One won't hurt right?

I leaned in forward and pinched his cheek gently.

UwU! So fluffy! Aaaaaaaaaggghhhhh!💜😍

Okay, I had my fun. When I was about to let go if his cheek, I felt a hand grab my wrist and the next thing I knew, I was laying on the bed beside him with his arms around me.

I felt my cheeks burn and I froze when I felt my heart pound against my chest, hard. It went faster when I felt him snuggle closer to me and I can feel his breath on my neck.

•.• Oh my gosh. What's happening right now? Jennie, you can't be in your right mind, right? You have Jungkook for Pete's sake!

I tried wiggling out of his arms but to no avail, he's obviously much more stronger than me. So I tried another option. Waking him up.

"Tae... Tae... Please wake up, uhmm... " I tried thinking of something that'll sound more polite than 'let me go!'.

I then heard him groan and felt him hold me tighter. "Let's just stay like this for a while" he said in his deep, husky voice making me blush tomato red.

Damn! What's wrong with me!?

I didn't do anything but just let him hug me, there's no use in trying to escape anyway. And so he snuggled closer to me and burried his face onto my neck, sending me shivers all over my spine.

✔His One Sided Love [Taennie Adaption]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang