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Taehyung's POV


Yeontan then started barking and ran to the door.

Ommo! She's here! I hope I look presentable! Oh my gosh! Jennie is here! Oh my God! Oh my God!

Okay just breathe in and out. Calm yourself down Tae, you don't want to act like an idiot in front of your crush, right?

Okay... Hooo! Here we go.

I walked to where Yeontan and the door is, and opened it to see the most beautiful girl in the whole world. Her bangs almost parted because of the wind, her big doe eyes staring back at me full of excitement, her beautiful smile that can light up the whole world. She was also holding Lexi in her arms making them look cute.

Oh my God, I'm so whipped.

"Hi Tae!" She said brightly, while bowing.

"Annyeong!" I said bowing back, "please come in" I said opening the door wider for her to enter.

"Waaah! Tae, I like your house, it's comfy!" She said while placing down Lexi to the ground.

Yeontan immediately went to her and they started chasing around, playing. Well, at least I think they're playing.

"Thanks! My mom is out at the moment, she'll be back soon though, but please make yourself comfortable" I said trying so hard not to stutter.

She smiled and chuckled a little, "You don't need to be so formal and hospitable around me! I appreciate it though, but still, we're friends so we can just drop the formalities" she said.

I tried so hard to keep myself from smiling, but ended up doing it and smiling widely.

Just days ago, she didn't even know his existence but look at him now, already being called her friend.

"Omo! Tae, you're smile's so cute!" She said pinching my cheeks and being all squishy in front of me.

Oh my God.

I immediately turned tomato red at this.

"Omo! I guess you must be Taehyung's friend" Oh my gosh, did eomma just see that?

We both then turned to her and I can see her smirking at me, but then immediately turned to Jennie and smiled.

I'm so gonna get teased after this.

"Ahhh! Ne! Annyeonghaseyo! Joneun Jennie-imnida!" Jennie said bowing to eomma.

"Waaah! You're a pretty little girl, and polite too! I guess Tae found a good one" she said winking at her.

I flushed at that.

Oh my God eomma! What are you doing!?

I then heard Jennie chuckle at that, "Thank you for those kind words Mrs. Kim! I guess he did find a good one"

Eomma smiled at that while I blushed even more.

"Well then, you kids can go back to what you were doing, while I'm going in the kitchen to bake you some cookies and make tea. You do drink tea, right?" She said.

Jennie nodded, "Tea's fine!" She said never removing the smile form her lips.

She's such a goddess I tell you.

When eomma left the room she then faced me with her hands in her hips.

"So Taetae, what should we do?" She asked.

"Hmm... I have a play room for Yeontan upstairs, should we go?" I asked her back.

She nodded excitedly and picked up Yeontan.

"Ommo! You're so tiny and cute!! Kyaaaa~!" She said pinching his cheeks and caressing his fur.

I was in awe at the sight. See? How can you not like Jennie?

I then picked up Lexi who was just staring at Jennie and Yeontan.

"Is someone jealous? Don't worry, you have me" I said smiling and snuggling our noses together.

Lexi then started purring, which startled me.

"Aww~ she likes you Tae!" I looked up to Jennie when she said that.

"Jinja!?" She then nodded, making me smile and look at Lexi.

I never knew I was good with cats too, I only had Yeontan.

"Waaah! I love you too!" I said excitedly forgetting the fact that the girl inside the same room as me is my crush.

"Come on! Let's go to Yeontan's play room!" I said holding Lexi with my right hand and grabbed Jennie on my left.

I then heard Jennie giggle through this and realized something.

I'm holding Jennie's wrist. Omo!

I immediately let go of her wrist as we arrive in front of Yeontan's door and turned red.

"Ahh, mianhe! I-i was just excited" I said sheepishly scratching my nape.

Jennie chuckled, "It's okay Tae, you can drag me anywhere as long as you don't hurt my poor wrist"

"I'll hold your hand then" I blurted out.

Oh my God, where did you get the confidence Tae?!

She then blushed.

Tae, you just made your crush blush! OMG!

I know, I sound like a stupid high school girl fangirling about her crush. You can't blame me! Have you seen this girl before?!

"I had a fun day today Tae" she said as she was now in front of our door.

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you?" I asked her.

She just smiled, "Tae, I'm only five houses down!" She said.

"Oh yeah... " I said scratching the back of my head.

"Are you sure though?" I asked her again with hopeful eyes.

She then burst out laughing, "Goodbye Tae!" She said leaving.

I smiled, "Bye!" I exclaimed, waving at her as she walks down our front yard.

She smiled too and stopped, reaching for Lexi's paws and waved it.

"Bye meow!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled while Yeontan just barked from below me.

Waaah! Best day ever!

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