Peter escorted Yuri through his personal lab so he could run his diagnostic test on the suit he gave her to see where any improvements could be made now that it had some field testing done to it.
Placing the suit back into metal container it was once held within Peter began running the diagnostic test to show if there were any issues with the suit. Even though Yuri said it was fine he needed to be absolutely sure it was in top working order before they went any further with improvements and mass production.
As the test was running idly Peter and Yuri were left in silence as the suits calibration software fed the data back into the server for analysis. There was an odd tension in the air between the two as Yuri had something in her mind that she wanted to talk to Peter about.
Peter, in turn, noticed Yuri's apprehension and was curious as to what was wrong unaware of anything that was on Yuri's mind at the moment.
Yuri wished to discuss Peters potential return to his Superhero life as Spider-Man. She briefly talked about it yesterday with him on the phone but he seemed sure that he wasn't going to be coming back any time soon and that his recent venture was due to being asked by his students.
She knew why he stopped going out as Spider-Man and she couldn't exactly blame him for his choice. Given all that had happened she would actually expect him to leave the web slinging behind.
But she missed having him around, not that she would ever fully admit it, and he was always such a great help to city even if they didn't show him the appreciation he rightfully deserved.
Yes, he gave her what could be the equivalent of a super-suit that could fight crime just as well as any superhero could, but he was basically a veteran expert on heroism. With his long time spent as the web slinger he faced countless enemies and supervillains and as a result he knows how to handle them effectively.
Not just anyone could face the likes of Rhino or Electro or any other of his deadly foes and live to tell the tale, heck even he came out of those fights with a few cuts and bruises. But not everyone was like him, they couldn't just bounce back like he could and get back into the fight.
Yuri was brought out of her thoughts by a gentle hand being placed on her shoulder.
Turning to look at Peter she could see his concerned expression as he asked her if everything was alright.
"You okay Yuri? You seemed a little out of it there for a moment." He asked worryingly.
"Oh yeah... I'm fine." She said unconvincingly.
"Yuri please... talk to me. What's on your mind? I can tell there's something you want to say so I'm all ears." He said with a little chipper in his voice.
Yuri gave him a small smile, always one to put a smile on people's faces just by being his honest true self.
"Okay. I think you should consider coming back as Spider-Man." She said straight to the point.
Peter recoiled slightly at hearing her suggestion. Although she looked calm as could be and said what she said with gentleness, he could tell that what she was asking was serious.
"Yuri I... I can't. It's too painful." He said sadly grimacing a little at the thought of returning for good and potentially dealing with the other 'heroes' again.
The same heroes who he once admired, worked with, respected and defended time and time again. The same heroes who so easily and quickly turned on him, fought him, kicked him to the curb and forbade him from ever showing his face around them again.
He couldn't do it.
From what Laura had told him when she first showed up here, Logan was seemingly regretful for his actions during the whole 'superior' incident and it did make him wonder now if there were others who now regretted their actions.

Recovering from Superior
FanfictionPeter gets his body back from Otto. His name is cleared as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Now it's time to get his life together not knowing who will be brought along for the ride.