Bound To Be Memorable (Part One)

Start from the beginning

As I bucked and thrashed in my unsuccessful attempts to break free, my senses were immediately overwhelmed by the masculine stench of body odor. I would later learn that Evan and Mason had recruited a group of our neighbors who had been taking advantage of the beautiful fall weather with an impromptu game of football on our front lawn. 

As the dog pile ensued on top of me, I heard Evan ordering a halt to my assault. Once the chaos stopped, Evan carefully removed my glasses and gaming headset, passing them off for safe keeping. As soon as the athletic Adonis shouted, "Game on!" The may lay reignited. 

I felt my t-shirt being aggressively ripped off my body and violently yanked over my head. I shouted and screamed at my attackers to stop, but was quickly silenced by a very firm hand gag. Evan's sweaty palm smothered my genuine protests. The hockey god now straddled my bare chest. 

He had a strange smile on his face as he looked down at me from his superior vantage point. The look on his face said both that I could trust him to ultimately keep me safe while also telling me that I was royally screwed. 

At this point, I still did not know what was really going on. All this seemed a little overboard for me being a little rude to them while they mocked my photos as I tried to game in peace. 

I felt my socks being yanked off my feet and twitched as fingers grazed my sensitive souls. I immediately heard Mason's voice cheer, " He's ticklish! Get him!"

Instantly, what felt like a million fingers attacking my feet, ribs, and pits. I howled and begged into my roommates' ironclad hand gag. Despite my thrashing around like a fish out of water, I was unable to break free from the hands that firmly held my limbs. 

This quickly created a very awkward situation. My growing erection kept rubbing against Evan's butt as I squirmed around. The only thing between us was a few layers of clothing. Simply remaining still was not an option during this unmerciful tickle torture. I closed my eyes and tried to think of anything to kill off this raging boner, but it wasn't working. 

Any second now, I was about to be labeled "that weird guy that blew his load in his pants from being tickled by some dudes." I could never face any of these people again. I would have to quit school! How would I explain to my family why I dropped out in the first week? 

Right as I was approaching the brink, Evan brought everything to a screeching halt. "I think that's enough tickling, boys! Let's get him tied up!" Commanded the Jock as he repositioned himself a little farther up my chest. 

Was this all just a huge coincidence of timing, or was I just secretly but intentionally edged by my roommate?  The whole situation left me in a total mind fuck. Unfortunately, I didn't have too much time to deliberate, as the mob had moved on to the next phase of their plan. 

"Let's shrink wrap him naked to the light pole out front," suggested one voice

"You just want to see naked men, Carter," teased a female voice. 

"I heard last year someone got taped to a toilet for their birthday," suggested another voice.

Mason suggested, "Let’s tie him to the office chair, then we can wheel him wherever we want tonight."

My heart stopped as the muscular hockey player made a request that sounded right out of every fictional TUG story. 

"Pass me his socks," ordered Evan. Thankfully, I had just showered before putting on those clean socks not long before the attack took place.

Evan took a whiff of the bright white ankle socks before tossing them back, unsatisfied with the fresh clean smell. 

"Who has the smelliest socks here?" Questioned my roommate. After a quick deliberation among my attackers and the group of spectators that had formed in our small dorm room, it was decided that someone named Hunter had the most foul-smelling feet. 

"We need your socks, Hunter." Ordered Evan, "Dawson here wants to wash them for you, don't you, Nerd?"

I tried to shake my head in disagreement, but the mischievous look on my roommate's face told me that I wasn't going to get a vote in the matter. 

Reluctantly, a very large and muscular looking dude began to remove his very well worn looking size twelve Nike running shoes. He looked understandably embarrassed to be crowned the title of worst smelling feet in the room. Although I could not smell it yet, others standing closer to him started to protest the foul stench already. Evan didn't even get them close to his nose before recoiling away while gagging and coughing. Was this all theatrics, or did the stained yellowish and dingey looking garments really smell that foul? 

As the warm and damp sweaty wads approached my defenseless nose, the pungent vinegary fumes began to burn my nostrils. 

Normally, I loved reading tales like this. Now that I was experiencing it first hand, I found no pleasure in the situation. This was humiliating, degrading, and downright stomach churning. 

"I know you are going to open wide and accept this tasty treat, Birthday Boy," said Evan. I shook my head vigorously as I protested into my hand gag. My roommate continued, "Because if you don't, I am going to force them in your yap, then you are going to lose your pants for the rest of the night for your disobedience."

The thought of being seen in only my underwear was bad enough, but I could only imagine the wet spot of pre-cum that I must have been on this pair now. After taking a second to realize that I had no better option, I submissively opened my mouth wide and waited nervously for the rancid puke bombs to be shoved in. 

Nothing could prepare me for the cheesey funk that assaulted my taste buds. The foot flavored wads oozed rancid sweat juices down the back of my throat as they were squished to fit both of the massive biohazardous socks into my rather small mouth. My cheeks bulged out like a chipmunk, and I was unable to close my mouth fully.

I know the term "puke inducing" gets thrown around a lot in fictional stories involving sock gags, but it hits completely different now that I have had to actually fight back the urge to vomit. Evan has since told me that I did in fact turn a little green. 

At this point, our cute neighbor Jen returned with the supplies that she was sent for. Evan wasted no time sealing my speech-proof stuffing with multiple strips of extra wide and super sticky tape. 

"Now thank Hunter for that delicious birthday present," commanded the alpha hockey jock. 

Humiliated, I reluctantly mumbled a thank you from my overstuffed orifice. This grew snickers and giggles from my audience. Despite being the most embarrassing experience of my life, for some strange reason, I was still rock-hard. 

"I think Mason has the right idea. Let's get the birthday boy back in his chair so we can get this party started," cheered Evan. 

The mob wasted no time taping my knees and ankles up with the industrial grade duct tape before wrapping me from the waist down in plastic wrap. Fortunately, this helped hide the tent I was pitching. 

I was manhandled back into my chair before being secured in place with a ridiculous amount of tape. My wrists were tied firmly behind my back, then lashed to the chair. 

Jen dug through the dollar store bag, showing off the rest of her purchases to the group. My birthday themed decorations included a cheap plastic tierra, a "birthday boy" sash, and a collection of paw patrol helium birthday balloons to tie to my chair.

For the final touch, Evan gently placed my glasses back on my face so I could properly see myself in the mirror. I looked absolutely ridiculous. 

At this point, I was paraded around the halls before being deposited in the common room. Most of the floor was gathered here, drinking and watching the game. Many people took this opportunity to take a selfie with the dumbass who didn't know to go home on his birthday. 

It wasn't all bad though. A couple of the cute girls decided to take a pic with both of them kissing my cheeks. Embarrassingly, Evan and Mason wasted no time recreating the photo. 

I would love to say that a great time was had by all, then I was promptly released from my bonds and allowed to spend the rest of the evening in my room alone. Sadly, this was not true, and only the beginning of my crazy evening. 


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