together. - a scrapped story idea:/

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A/N: I probably wont turn this into an actual fic like ever so take a oneshot of a scrapped idea for a story!!
headcanons that r in this:
- Kaspers dad is LOADED
- Lampert is wallmark child
- trans Kasper canon trust..
- both r 17 in this :// (although Lampert is a year older, its just not been his 18th birthday yet)
- Kasper already has divorced parents
- Wallter and Mark are also divorced 🙄

NEway enjoy ig????? i)??gg?? ig? i GUESS?

probably very ooc

also you're allowed to make requests for this book if u wannan :3

"when we're older, we should run away together."

"yeah? why would we do that?"

"well, your dads are always arguing, and my parents wont stop fighting whenever its my weekend with my mom, so we could run away together and be happy out in the wilderness somewhere! we can live in a cabin you can build us! Your dad taught you how to do that stuff, right?"

"you have such a wild imagination."


that conversation happened a few years ago now, almost three to be exact, before Lamperts parents had divorced and totally fucked up his life. Back then, these silly fantasies he'd make up with his friend had at least a tiny chance of MAYBE happening, but now, those ideas were totally out the window. After the divorce, Lampert had to move in with his father, Wallter, and they spent most of the money that would've gone to him moving out on the divorce settlements. It was all so immature, to Lampert. Why not just stay together for until he moved out? That way, he wouldn't have to move away to some nowhere town, leaving all his friends behind.

Its not like he didn't have friends in this new place, but he missed Kasper. They still spoke over the phone sometimes, but he hadn't properly seen him in, what, eight months? It felt like eight years. And even after the divorce, his parents still fought and argued, so there was really no point in dragging him away from the other boy, other than the fact that he was a 'bad influence' just because he skateboarded. And indulged in a little bit of smoking. And drinking. But he never forced Lampert to do any of that. Sure, he would offer, but if the boy declined then he wouldn't push it. Thats what made him so great, he was cool, understood boundaries, and was funny. What more could you want in a best friend?

It was his wild imagination that got Lampert, as well, he would talk about the two living together when they grew up, owning a cat maybe, working together in a bakery or a store of some kind. He would talk like those stories would come true, promising to the lamp that they would. And sometimes, he would believe him. It was nice to believe something that probably wouldn't be true, because it was nice to believe that in the end, everything would work out and they could be happy together. Not in a romantic way, just, together. Thinking about the stories always made lampert think back to that particular one, the brunette suggesting they run off together and live in some remote area where they wouldn't be bothered, and wouldn't have to care about anything. It was silly, but sometimes he debated about taking his dads car and driving off and running away with the skater boy. But the idea made his stomach flutter, he couldn't put his finger on it, but it didn't feel like unease, getting to run away with that scene, loser, cute guy.. why did it honestly sound appealing?

Lamperts thoughts spun around in his head as he tried to drown out the sound of his parents arguing downstairs, it's his birthday soon and he knows they're trying to decide who'll host, but its more like 'who wants to appear to be the better parent' to him. He knows that no matter who hosts, they'll both try to upstage each other so that guests will think 'wow! these guys must love their kid!' but truth be told, sometimes it felt like they loved arguing more than they loved Lampert. Honestly, if they'll be spending all their time arguing with each other, or stalking each others social medias, then what was the point in divorcing?? Again, all it did was ruin Lamperts already pretty shitty life. He would sit at the top of the stairs, playing on his phone. He would occasionally, rarely, once in a blue moon, be able to go back to his other dads, Marks, for certain holidays or celebrations. For his birthday, he would spend a little while at Marks, a week or so, then on the day of, he would have the party then be sent back to Wallters. He felt like a dog sometimes, he got barely any choice in who he wanted to stay with, nor when.

Oh, how I love you <3 // Skaterlight oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now