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Dear diary, April /20 /24

I can't believe I'm finally 13! Like officially a teenager, mum and dad got me this diary for my 13 birthday and I'm so excited to write in it! So this is my first entry into my teenage life! So I guess I should tell you about me! Well my name is Kate I live in a nice neighbourhood lotsss of open fields they make amazing partys! I have a best friend her name is mia and she has  two older brother Dylan and Ray. There is this one girl in my class called ava and she HATES me I don't know why she just does but she hasn't done anything crazy bad to me lately so ...maybe she stopped! Puls im 13 now! So I think I can't do just about anything and if that's standing up to her then I will! Anyway what else...oh yeah! We are getting a new student tomorrow it's a boy this time I really hope he is cute because the boys in my class are ..... something .. (ew) any way cya tomorrow!

Good night
Good bye!

(Heyyyy so I had to re write this chapter because omg it was kinda bad originally and it was not my best work so if some of the stuff is different it's because I change this! And if your new to my story Tysm for reading!)

The mind of a teenage girlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora