"You been turning me on this entire time, what you expect?" she responded, pulling me back. I started to respond but was interrupted.

"Tay, I need that bag now." I recognized Jay, Tayleigh's brother voice. "Oh my god." Tayleigh mumbled, moving me out the way to stand up. "Why you always wait until I'm busy to be needy?" she asked her brother.

"Far from it. It's actually the other way around." Jay responded.

"Yea ight, fuck outta here." Tayleigh chuckled, going into her closet. "Must not have been too busy if you responded, huh?" Jay chuckled.

"Nosy ass. Mind yours." Tayleigh raised her middle finger while opening her room door. She then handed Jay the bag she got from her closet. "Appreciate it." Jay spoke.

"Yea whatever." Tayleigh started to shut the door. "Aye tell Destiny I said wassup." Jay suddenly said in an unreadable tone.

Tayleigh and I both suddenly froze, staring at each other.

"Um, Destiny who?" Tayleigh questioned. "The same Destiny that's in your room right now. You know, the one you thought you been sneaking in and out all this time?" Jay answered.

"You told him?" I mouthed to Tayleigh. "Nah, I ain't say shit." she mouthed back, clearly confused.

She then turned back around and slowly opened her door more. "And you know this how?" she questioned Jay. "Cause this my damn house. And y'all ain't been that slick about it. Especially recently." Jay explained.

"One, this my house too. Two, you don't care?" Tayleigh wondered. "Y'all fucking ain't got shit to do with me. Besides when y'all be loud as hell sometimes. Yea, shut up next time." Jay sighed.

"Yea, yea. Whatever. Anyways, why didn't you been say something?" Tayleigh asked.

"What part of that ain't got shit to do with me don't you understand? I don't give a fuck. I got other shit to worry bout other than Destiny and her brother scary asses." Jay expressed.

"Um..." I cleared my throat.

"Who you talking to? Watch your fucking mouth." Tayleigh seemed to have hit Jay. "Ight bruh, go back in there with your girlfriend." Jay sounded as if he was walking off.

Tayleigh turned back into the room and shut the door. We both shared the same expression as she made her way back over to me.

~ later on ~

Tayleigh, Cam and I were outside, chilling and talking on the porch. Although I was sitting on the steps like usual.

"I thought y'all said Jay knows. Who the fuck else you scared of to be sitting on the steps like that?" Cam asked, laughing to himself. "Her brother." Tayleigh chuckled.

I slowly turned and looked at the two, slowly rolling my eyes.

"Imagine." Cam shook his head. "I'm saying." Tayleigh shook her head as well. "Um, Tay if I were you I'd be quiet." I glared at her. "Aw, you're cute. Yes mommy." Tayleigh practically teased.

Her and Cam then laughed a little.

I turned back around, ignoring the two and scrolling on my phone. They were lowkey right though. At my big age I'm worried about my brother's opinion. But it's deeper than that...

With all the people he's been losing back to back, he basically only has me left. And if he finds out his opps aren't my opps and feels he can no longer trust me, I don't know what that would do to him.

"Destiny. Bring your ass." I heard Tayleigh say with a sudden sense of urgency.

"What?" I slowly looked up from my phone. I then froze when I saw some random guy, fuming and quickly approaching with a gun in his hand.

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