Ch 21: Adoption and Beelzebub

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"Damn y/n it's been sometime hasn't it?" She asks me after letting me go.

I nod my head in a yeah it has been way. The hellhound looks between us confused as ever I bet.

"You two know eachother?" The hellhound questions.

"Oh yeah me and y/n go way back. Oh yeah, this is my boyfriend, Vortex, or Tex for short." I nod my head and sign that it was nice to meet him.

"Wait a minute why are ya signing, you only ever sign when your... oh you lost your voice because of the concert and Mammon thing in the greed ring huh?" Beezlebub questions with an out stretched finger pointed towards me. I nod my head.

"Can anyone tell me what she said with her hands?" Tex asked as he was confused on what I said.

"She said it was nice to meet you Tex, also when is your concert in this ring of mine since you post poned once before for quite sometime, what was that about anyways?"

I started to tell her that my voice should be back within enough days that I should be able to sing the concert on time. I then went on to tell her why I originally I had to cancel the other original dates of the concerts. She realized the seriousness of what had happened and wished me luck in the future for it. I didn't mind it now though, Fizz and Ozzie were safe and the rest of my friends so I didn't care about it. I also told Beezlebub that Ozzie and Fizz might be adopting a kid meaning Bee would be an aunt and she practically screamed with joy, God she's loud.

After awhile I left once the party ended and went back to the place where I was staying with Ozzie and Fizz. When I walked inside I saw them talking to Kyler. I listened in close to hear what they were saying. Wait a minute, they're adopting him? When I hear Kyler to yes and break into happy tears as the two huged him close and I clapped and was happy to see it. They turned and I smiled.

"I knew it, I knew this was going to happen." I said with a bright smile on my face, but yet soft. I was met with a hug from all of them. Let's see where this takes us shall we?

Four days later

I wake up feeling my voice back to normal and same going with most of my magic, looks like I have a concert to do today. I hear a soft knocking at my door and open it to see Kyler. I smile at the little boy and open my door to him as I put on makeup for the concert as I watch the boy sign in the mirror reflection.

"Y/n? I have a question to ask you."

"What is it Kyler?" I say through a telepathic mindlink I've made with Kyler.

"What should I call you?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Like I'm now adopted by a deadly sin and a imp, nothing against that it's amazing, but you're close friends with dad so what do I call you?"

I smile and turn to the sweet boy, indicating for him to come here. He walked over to me as I signed one thing to him, "call me whatever makes you feel comfortable and what you think is right."

"Auntie then." The little boy smiled as he hugs me tightly and I hug back.

I was just fine with him calling me auntie if it was what he wanted to. I really did appreciate it because I wasn't related to him. To me that title from him to me means I've earned it for him. It's not something that means nothing because it means everything in reality.

In two hours I head to one of Bee's party where the concert is being held. I walk through the party, doing my best to not get noticed until I did and had to use magic to avoid people.  Jeese I hate people crouding around me. Soon luckily I made it to back stage where I found Bee who looked happy to see me and went out to sing a song as a warm up for the crowd before I went on, singing her famous song, Cotton Candy. I watch as she sings the song, hyping up the crowd with tasty energy. I smile at it and can't help but dance along as I watch people that I know show up for this concert, including the hotel, Oz and them, along with Blitzø's gang and him, with Luna of course.

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