Chapter 5- the waiting (Electra )

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Electras POV

I sat in my dressing room crying. Why was I such a terrible childe? Gerard must be so ashamed by me.

Disobeying him was so I hard for me. I hated letting him down. Just as I stood up he walked in and I fell to the floor in a clumsy bow " I am so sorry, my sire. I have put shame on the Way family name. I am truly sorry for my actions and I shall take my punishment as it comes to me." He looked at me. There was a look on his face. It was not disappointment nor was it shame or anger. It was almost.... Loving.

"Rise, my childe." I rose obediently "Electra it's okay." He looked me up and down.

"Your not angry?" I was so confused

"No. Just please do this for me okay princess?" I so wanted to obey

"Of course master Gerard." He looked me over again.

"Thank you. You look beautiful. As always." He sat down and I sat next to him. I lied back on the bed and he pulled out his hip flask. He held it above my mouth so that the blood dropped onto my lips one drop at a time. It was so refreshing. He lied down next to me and hugged me tightly. Then he stood up and picked me up. " Gee! What are you doing?!" His long black hair fell over my face as he placed a finger over my lips, just avoiding my lip stud. " Shh. No questions." He growled playfully, and walked down towards our chamber room. "Yes your royal sassiness." I mocked as we walked into the room. He placed me on the bed gently and sat down next to me. "Close your eyes and relax." He ordered. I took a deep breath and did. He started to sing to me and at the same time lull me asleep with his mind

The world is ugly,

But your beautiful to me.

Are you thinking of me,

Like I'm thinking of you?

I would say I'm sorry though,

Though I really need to go.

I wanted you to know.

I think about you every night and every day.

And then I was asleep

I'm not sure how long I was asleep, but when I woke up Gee was sat next to me, watching me me. "Good morning-afternoon sleeping beauty." He smiled at me. Then there was a knock on the the downstairs door.

"Shall I get it my lord?" Frankie called up. Gee cleared his throat

"No thank you Francesco." Gerard tried to be formal around pretty much everyone except me and Mikey. He looked at me. "It will be Raymond. Be kind to him and don't mock his, well he calls it a 'fro' but I'm pretty sure he was just to lazy to comb his hair." I sighed as we walked down stairs. Gerard open the door. A large man with brown hair stood in front of me. He had a stern expression on his face. I could tell he was from the academy by the way he stood. The jacket with the snake logo on was a dead giveaway though. I could tell we would not get along.

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