stypid feelings

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If I wanted to talk about love I would talk about myself, cause when I love I love hard, I love in all the ways I wish to be loved.

Of course I believe that lover people exist, it's just I don't know why I haven't met them yet, or maybe I did, I just couldn't love them back, I wish I could but life is so unfair, I can't lie and say that I tried to love them back because in my whole life I've always put myself first and that's something I will always appreciate about myself.

The thing is when I realize that someone really does see me in a romantic way and I don't feel the same I try to put myself in their shoes, what would I have wanted me to do?
Distance my self is the answer if you don't like me at least don't confuse me, don't play games and get me attached, I prefer to get rejected than played.

Sometimes I hate my feelings I love him, but it has become so embarrassing to say it, even to myself, I know when I shouldn't feel a certain way but I can't help it, and when I start to hate my feelings I try to remind myself, those are my feelings, even if they're stupid and make no sense sometimes but if I don't value them, who will?

I love myself and I love life, life has so much to give, there are several experiences ahead of us, and I want to experience life, explore new things, unlock every emotion, I like it when I'm sad or happy or excited, make me feel alive, actually I started to enjoy crying, gives me a sense of relief, it's like I've been holding on for so long and I can just let everything out, and love is one of the most beautiful things life has to give and I want to experience it in every way possible and learn how to love, Who to love, And how to love myself properly.

I love you.

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