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Geto Suguru stood in front of the old mansion and looked around. The walls bore the marks of time, filled with cracks and covered with the yellowed leaves of ivy. The tiles on the roof were missing in places, and the windows were broken. It looked abandoned, but Geto knew he had no choice but to enter.

He paused for a moment and thought, "Just go and ask, it's a simple job." It was a routine task for him, but the atmosphere of this place was somewhat different this time.

Gojo leaned against the car and turned to Geto, "Do you want me to come with you?" he asked, with a hint of concern in his eyes.

"No need, Satoru," Geto replied, looking at the two little girls in the car and smiling gently, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

He took a deep breath and walked towards the mansion's door. The wooden door creaked, and as he stepped inside, a cloud of dust floated up. The inside of the house was as unkempt as the outside; dusty, messy, and silent.

"Quite a mundane house for the most cursed man," Geto muttered.

Geto Suguru was once a cursed user, but now he had become a Jujutsu Sorcerer again. Mimiko and Nanako had a great influence on this transformation. They had helped Geto turn away from the dark path and shed light on him.

Normally, when a cursed user was captured, they would be executed, but it was different for Geto. He was able to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer again without his rank being lowered. This was due to a combination of many factors. High-ranking Jujutsu executives had tried to kill him, but there were many factors that protected him. Especially the support of his friend Gojo was of great importance. However, the protector this time was a very different influence.

Natsuki Subaru, also known as the Most Cursed Human, had protected Geto from the higher-ranking executives. Although Geto didn't know exactly how valuable Subaru was to him, he had heard that Subaru had even given valuable cursed items just to ensure that the higher-ranking executives left him alone.

A question lingered in Geto's mind: "Why did he help me?" He had only spoken to Natsuki Subaru once, and they didn't have a real friendship bond. When Geto saw him, he described Subaru as nothing but a "creepy freak." He seemed cold, silent, and constantly tired. There was an unknown sadness in his eyes, and his gaze was filled with a chilling calmness, as if he were bored of everything.

Natsuki Subaru was so unsettling that he seemed to alter the very air around him. He was like a hidden danger within the silence, pursuing something, but it was impossible to discern exactly what. There was no smile on his face, just a blank expression. Yet, this blank expression was more like the frozen surface of a dark secret.

Very little was known about Natsuki Subaru, and it seemed like the entire jujutsu world was trying to forget him. However, his name was well-known; he was referred to as "The Most Cursed Individual," "Lover of Death," and "The Most Cursed Prince in All of History."

Questions circled in Geto's mind: What was Subaru's intention, and why had he decided to help him?

As Geto entered a room, it was completely different from the others. It was clean and tidy, with a large bookshelf covering one corner of the room. Tables were arranged in a large U-shape in the middle of the room.

On the tables were capsules of different sizes. Some contained shapeless pieces of flesh, while others displayed human limbs. As a Jujutsu Sorcerer, Geto was accustomed to such things, but this many capsules were a bit much even for him.

Rare texts and documents related to ancient curses lined the shelves of the bookshelf. Each of the capsules on the tables was probably a part of a curse, and Geto was prepared to examine them. After all, such materials were of great importance in the world of jujutsu and could be powerful weapons when used in the right hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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