Chapter 101: Don't Say Anything That Isn't Conducive To Unity

Start from the beginning

Hoshi wasn't renowned for his strength and achievements, but within the Hidden Sand Village, these elders knew of Hoshi's talent in Puppetry. He was a genius rivaling that of the Second Kazekage, Shamon. Moreover, Hoshi was the first in the village to combine Puppetry with the human body. Although this project had only just begun, with Hoshi's talent and age, he was bound to develop even more advanced human Puppetry in the future.

"Joseki! Are you trying to distort the truth just to tarnish my sister's reputation?! What do you mean by saying Hoshi was alone? It's clear that it was his poor leadership that led dozens of Chunin from our village into a dead end."

An middle-aged man burst out in a torrent of curses; he was none other than Ebizo, Chiyo's brother and the head of the Hidden Sand Village's Intelligence Department.

Upon hearing Ebizo's rebuttal, Joseki's face displayed a disdainful expression. He retorted, "The intelligence is compiled and submitted by your department. Who knows if you're not doing it for the sake of your sister?"

"That's enough!"

The youngest figure seated at the head table interrupted Joseki's speech. He was the Third Kazekage. As the village leader, he knew what could and couldn't be said.

Losing a disciple was indeed distressing for him, but at such a critical moment, he couldn't allow voices of division within the village.

Joseki's suspicions had already reached their limit. Any further remarks would amount to slander. If spoken aloud, it would cause internal problems within the village.

Words that undermine unity must never be uttered.

Although Joseki felt dissatisfied upon hearing this, he closed his mouth

Just a few years ago, he might have argued more, but now the Third Kazekage has established his position. He's not someone to be trifled with.

Ebizo gratefully glanced at the Third Kazekage and wisely remained silent. The Third Kazekage scanned the room, suppressing his anger as he said:

"What Konoha has done must come at a cost. They accused us of using underhanded tactics, didn't they? Then let them have it their way. Adjust the bounties for Tsunade, Orochimaru, Sakumo Hatake, and Sakamoto Tatsuma on the black market."

Upon hearing this, everyone understood the Kazekage's intentions. An elderly elder furrowed his brow and said, "Kazekage-sama, the village's finances..."

"Hoshi is Lord Second's only heir. I believe both Lord Second and Hoshi would be willing to give everything for the village."

The calm tone of the Third Kazekage stirred up the conference room. The Kazekage's intentions were clear: Shamon, the former Kazekage, had no other heir, so his estate...

This isn't exactly an ideal situation, but nobody explicitly opposed it. After all, the Hidden Sand Village's finances are extremely tight, and the estate of the former Kazekage Shamon will be a significant support for the village.

After all, the estate of the former Kazekage Shamon is not something that can be spent with just a few bounties, and what remains...

"For the rise of the Hidden Sand Village, I agree."

Finally, the elder in charge of finances in the village expressed his opinion, followed by others.

They kept saying things like "Lord Second cared for the village, and we are just following his wishes," or "We are only doing this to honor the village's heroes," or "Hoshi inherited the will of the Sand, and he would surely agree," and so on.

Seeing that the discussion was almost over, the Third Kazekage nodded and said, "Konoha's pretext for declaring war while using it as an opportunity for sneak attacks is truly shameful. It's time for our Hidden Sand Village to respond."

"He, Sarutobi Hiruzen, said he wanted to launch a full-scale war, didn't he? Then so be it. Gather all the Hidden Sand forces and march to the front lines to avenge our fallen commarades!

Expose Konoha's crimes to the world and let the ninja world know the true face of Konoha ninjas! Especially Sakamoto Tatsuma. He must be designated as a priority target for attack, and he must pay the price for his misdeeds!

Anyone who dares to invade the Land of Wind and Sand will be devoured by the winds of sand!"

"Anyone who dares to invade the Land of Wind and Sand will be devoured by the winds of sand!!!!"

Seeing this scene, Ebizo kept frowning. Regardless of the ultimate outcome, his sister probably wouldn't fare well with such public opinion.

Seeing Ebizo's worried expression, the Third Kazekage reassured him, saying, "Chiyo-sama's determination is beyond doubt. I won't change the frontline command as long as Chiyo-sama continues to serve the village. She remains a hero of the village."

Upon hearing the Third Kazekage's words, Ebizo nodded, but the worry on his face didn't disappear. After all, this was still conditional, and even if everything went perfectly, it would only mean reclaiming what they rightfully should have had.


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