Prologue & Chapter 1; The Pathetic Cruel Jerk

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  • Dedicated to Boring Sundays

A/N: @#%!^!@%!@!@#!. Apples!

Sooo... Hi there :)

I've been pretty bored the past days, and thinking aboutwriting new story. I couldn't think of anything but last night, it hit me.I think might work out for a story! So far, I've writen the Prologue and chapter 1. It's fun to write and I kind of enjoy it ;) But before, I post it, I wanted to see what y'all thought of it!

It's a romance/fantasy. I believe, lol. I'm postive it's romance but not so much fantasy. Yeppie, (fail). xD

Anways; you silent readers. Don't be afraid to tell me what you think about it! I can take it! I'm a big girl... XD. So, be CRAZY, and comment. It would make my day. teehehe :D

Okay, Okay, enough with the talking! Gosh Taylor, you need to shut up for once. xP

Here it is.

Awesome or Fail or Epic Fail? Tell me what you think, deary!



"Through the storm and seas, they live happily ever after together... Forever. The end." Mother finished.

"Oh, please one more time, mother! Just once more." I begged with big puppies eyes.

"No No, dearest. You must go to bed, you have a big day ahead of you" Mother said standing up.

"Fine... but promise me you'll tell me it tomorrow night then?"

"Always, dearest. It's my favorite story too!" she answered reaching for the light, "Now goodnight Rosemary."

I heard the ocean crash against the rocks through my shut window. Mother says my name, Rosemary, means 'Dew of the sea or The Sea' and ever since I was born, I can hear it talking. He is my best friend, but when I don’t come out to play, he becomes very angry. His waves become towers, and he tends to cry at night. If I'm too far away from him, I grow weak, but if I'm close to Him, I am very strong.

The story mother was just telling me, is my favorite and it's about a little girl. She is sixteen years old and lives in a Water Tribe. She talks to the water and is able to control it. I am not able to do that; instead, He talks to me and controls me. I know mother is skipping parts of the story. I can feel it, plus He tells me. I ask him to tell me the whole story, but he refuses. I need to learn those parts, and that's where my adventures start.

With one more crash against the rocks, I close my eyes, and whisper "Goodnight, friend."

Chapter 1; The Pathetic Cruel Jerk.

*Eight years later*

"Rosemary! Go clean the ship deck!" A muscular voice said from behind.

"Aye Aye Captain, right away, Captain!" I said running to the ship deck.

The air filled with soapy water and salt, as I jogged onto the ship deck. With mops in their hands, Tommy and Billy grinned from ear to ear. Returning the smile, I grabbed one of the mops resting on one of the barrels. Without a cloud in the sky, the sun’s ray welcomed us to a day of hotness. Thank you God for sea breeze!

“Well, isn’t this just cute! Rose and her little friends cleaning the deck.” A familiar cruel voice said.

“Well if it isn’t Benjamin, the pathetic cruel jerk. That just happens to have one big, cold heart.” I returned with a hiss.

“Do you have to call me Benjamin? Why not Ben or Benny, like the rest of the crew?” He said, moving closer to me.

“Yes, I do. I do not like the name Ben. Plus, it annoys you and that’s a bonus.” I said smiling

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