Chapter Six: Alex's Decision

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"I'm a light sleeper." Dean replied as they finally reached the garage. He watched Alex as she stared at the enormous garage, her mouth gaping at their surroundings.

"Dude!" She exclaimed as she ran across the garage mesmerized by the beautiful, vintage cars and motorcycles.

"These are amazing!" She exclaimed before covering her mouth with her hands.

"What's wrong Marlowe?" Dean questioned, furrowing his eyebrows at her. She was excited a few seconds ago what the hell? Thought Dean.

"I completely forgot Sam's still asleep, I'm so sorry." Alex quickly apologized. Dean had to admit, he found it pretty cute. He glanced at his watch then glanced back at her. "

Well, it's 5:05 so Sammy should be going for his morning jog." He replied.

He watched her as she went into the black opaque looking Dodge Charger, reaching across the passenger seat to which he assumed was the glove compartment, ducking her head, then popping back up with a pair of hipster glasses to which he scoffed, "Fucking hipster."

"Jerk." Alex snapped back.

"Bitch." He retaliated.

"Touché." She Answered with a lazy smirk.

Suddenly he heard his stomach growl. "You hungry Marlowe?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll make breakfast!" She said as she headed towards the garage door.

"Hey wait up!" She shouted as he walked after her.

"So this entire place is yours huh?" Asked Alex as they both entered the kitchen.

"Yup." Dean said, popping the "p".

"Sit at the table kiddo, I'm making breakfast." Dean said as he motioned her over to the table while he went into the fridge and grabbed what he needed.

"It's alright, I can make my own breakfast." Alex said as she ran her fingernails through her dark brown hair.

"You saved my bacon last night so it's the least I can do. Now, how do you want your eggs?" He asked as he cracked two eggs and let them fall into a pan.

"Scrambled. Thank you." She replied. "So what are we gonna do about those Vamps we iced last night? It's gotta look like a bloodbath?" She asked.

"Don't worry about it Marlowe, Sammy took care of it last night." Dean answered as he fried up the bacon.

After 10 minutes, he places two plates on the table along with two coffee mugs and sat down her in front of her. The two of them sat down and ate in silence, of course Dean didn't know what to say.

"So, seeing as this is another day, and I'm a very curious man..." Dean trailed off, making Alex crack a smile.

"Yeah, yeah I know." She laughed as she took a bit out of her food. "Oh my god." She groaned as she took another bite. "This is so good." Dean smirked at her. "Don't judge me." She advised sternly.

"I don't judge Darlin'" he answered with a chuckle and his hands up in defense.

"Okay Dean-o, what is it you wanna know?" She asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Well for starters, How the hell did Sammy convince you to stay with us." He chuckled darkly.

"Well, he was practically on his knees begging me to stay." She said as she slid off the bench and got down on her knees, placing her hands together "begging".

"Come on Alex, please stay with us we need you!" She mocked, making Dean laugh.

I haven't laughed this much in years! What is this girl doing to me? Thought Dean as he wiped the tears from the eye crinkles forming.

"Sounds like Sammy to me." He comments. He watched as she got up from the floor, gripping Dean's sweatpants and sat back down on the bench.

As Alex rolled up the sleeves on Dean's t-shirt, he noticed some weird marks one one arm and a skull on the other. "How many tattoos do you have?" He asked, breaking the silence. She rolled the sleeves up to her shoulders and places her arms on the table.

"I showed you the one on my shoulder so that's one, then I got this lotus and lace sleeve on my left arm, and a few other tattoos I can't tell you about." She replied with a wink.

I would just love to see what they are thought Dean as he looked at her left forearm. "What's that one about?" He asked.

"Oh this?" Replied Alex as she traces the outline of her sugar skull tattoo. "It's a portrait of my mom in a sugar skull form." She said then looked away for a moment before looking back at Dean.

"I lost my mother when I was seventeen." She said finally.

She looked up and saw Dean's fork stop in mid air. He quickly placed the fork down and wrapped his long fingers around her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, encouraging her to continue.

"I can still smell the sulfur that surrounded the house." She replied. Shit, the look in her eyes when she talks about this, she looks uncomfortable thought Dean as he cleared his throat before speaking.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." He suggested with a sympathetic smile. "Just another story for another day right huh Marlowe?" He gave her another gentle squeeze before letting go.

"Yeah." she laughed weakly. God, that laugh.

"Why don't I give you a tour of the bunker. What do you say?" He asked as he got up from his bench.

"Sure Dean, I'd like that."

A/N: I'm sorry for this boring filler chapter but don't worry, there'll be more action and stuff in the next chapter!


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