Observing Lyndon's stoic demeanor, the Duke struggled to suppress his amusement, finding the situation somewhat amusing.

"My apologies for the delay," the Duke remarked casually, though there was a hint of mockery in his tone.

Despite feeling as though the Duke was mocking him by not immediately bringing Theor, Lyndon maintained his composure and continued to wait patiently.

Knowing that Theor was within the mansion, Lyndon remained vigilant, prepared to take action if necessary to ensure the boy's safety.

"Duke, the Young Master has arrived," a voice announced after a brief interval.

Shortly afterward, the door swung open.

The man who had departed on the Duke's orders returned, accompanied by Theor.

"Oh, my grandson has arrived," the Duke exclaimed, rising from his seat.

As Theor entered, the Duke glanced at Lyndon expectantly. "Sir Lyndon, aren't you going to greet him?" he prompted.

Initially puzzled by the Duke's words.

"Mr. Lyndon!" Theor greeted him.

Theor recognized Lyndon and rushed towards him. "Young Master..." Lyndon began, intending to ask about Theor's well-being.

However, upon meeting Theor's gaze, Lyndon was rendered speechless. Theor's eyes, which had previously been blue, were now a striking shade of red.

• 🍁 •

The capital city was bathed in a crimson hue as the sun dipped below the horizon.

Astelle sat by the window in the study, her gaze fixed on the garden outside.

Trapped within the confines of the mansion, there was little for her to occupy herself with but to anxiously await any news regarding Theor.

A gentle knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Lady Astelle," called Hannah from outside.

Astelle turned towards the door, "Hannah? What's the matter?"

Astelle stepped closer to Hannah, her heart pounding with anticipation, hoping for news of Theor.

Hannah's expression grew somber, and Astelle could sense the gravity of the situation without a word being spoken. With a heavy sigh, Hannah passed a small, folded paper to Astelle.

"Master Fritz has sent a letter," she informed her, her voice tinged with concern.

Astelle's hands trembled as she accepted the envelope, her fingers fumbling to tear it open.

Inside, unmistakably in Fritz's handwriting, was a message detailing the distressing news. The Duke had taken Theor captive because the people Fritz sent were late. As a result, Theor had yet to arrive safely in the capital.

Astelle's eyes widened in shock before she could even finish reading the letter.

"Lady Astelle!" Hannah exclaimed, moving quickly to support Astelle, who appeared on the verge of collapse.

"It's okay," Hannah reassured her, guiding Astelle to sit down in a nearby chair.

Astelle sank into the seat, her mind swirling with a tumult of emotions. "Is it over?" she wondered despairingly.

As she gradually composed herself, Astelle picked up the letter once more, determined to read it through to the end.

Fritz's words offered a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. He promised to spare no effort in finding Theor and urged Astelle not to worry excessively.

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