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"Your cute" i said, smiling and smirking. He looked at me, gazed at me, making a eye contact for a few seconds, I noticed he lightly blushed before he looked away. The blush on his face was so cute, his freckles were shining with the redness of his cheeks and before I knew it i was already touching his face, it was so soft and smooth. my fingers running through his face, slowly reaching for his lips, I kneeled a little to look at his face.

"Let me get you a drink, because your "hanging out" with me" I said, slowly moving away. Every time, it was getting harder to keep myself to under control but I didn't realise or thought about it even once. I took my groceries bag and hold his hand. I took him to a stoll far from the market,which had the best smoothies and ice creams I ever tried. I ordered a chocolate nuts ice cream for me, of course and a strawberry ice cream for him. It was a long queue but wroth the wait. While we were waiting, I was starting to get really curious but I know how the saying goes "curiosity kills the cat". So i  wanted to hold Jimmy's hand and pull him a little closer to me and ask about that man.  But I broke my thoughts when he looked at me with sorrow filled in his ocean blue eyes and It was a bit hurting to see him cry.

"His my uncle, he is a bit... Uh... Angry" he said, moving away from me.

"Ok. So, what?" I asked him moving closer to him.

"Why was he angry?" I shot him with another question.He gave me a long look, said nothing but it was not an angry look, it was just.. maybe a little uncomfortable. So, to ignore the fact that we just met. I went to grab our order. I had a lot of questions for him, but I don't think he was prepared to respond. Come to think of it, would you give information about your personal life to someone you really just met? Thus, it's best to avoid being too specific just yet. So it's better not go into details for now.

"Here, strawberry for a crybaby" i teased, while handing him the ice cream cup. He reached his hand out to grab it, when I took the ice cream away.

"Hey! It's not a freebie" I said. He rushed to take out his card from his pocket.

"No no! you got it wrong, but do me a favor and smile" i giggled. I was trying hard to make him smile but my first attempt was failed, he didn't smile.

"Come on, sweetheart. If you have a lot on your plate, you just have to share it me. I will always listen to you." I said while gently rubbing his silky green hair. I handed him the ice cream. He was silently staring at his ice cream for a while, then he looked up, at me.

"Thank you" he said, giving me the cutest gummy smile, his sorrowful eyes that were like a black ocean, now turned into shining, lovely blue ocean. It made my day. I smiled back.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jun 19 ⏰

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me and you By Khad The Best Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum