i hope this is good

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Everyday while the bed sheets were still nice and flat, the books sat perfectly on the bookshelf, Presley would let her mind wander to the thoughts of asking Vox out on a date. Thinking her elegance was enough, she set foot and walked out her room, immediately met with Vox sitting in the living room.

"Well, aren't you early today?" He let out, sitting back up and grabbed a glass. "Fancy a drink?" The words seemingly not getting to her head, Presley looked out the window and then back at Vox, thinking on how she would ask such an aggressive CEO out on a probably to be awkward date.

"Vox?" She started

"The matter?" Eyes locking hers

Presley grabbed out what was a small white box, paired with a white ribbon. Unraveling it revealed a small paper dyed with the very own pen the tall man owns.  

*Would you go on a date with me?* 

Read the very words the woman wrote out. Not daring to face him, she set herself to face the muted Television (not vox though). Vox didn't seem to have a reaction different to the Television's, instead a faint rustling sound would be heard, the piece of paper making its way into Presley's hands.

Vox wrote back, 

*The date and time specifically? Not to scare, but I'm a busy man.*


A quiet foggy day came, the day of which the twos date was scheduled to be. Setting her excitedness down to not scare Vox, she left with a black laced dress, hair half up into a beautiful half braid which made her abstract makeup stand out against her light heels. 

Sitting down on a velvet chair, the two talked for what seemed to be like countless hours, chatting about things they could never talk about before due to Voxs tight schedule.

"Things have been good back at the V tower, weird visitors here and there, but I manage."

Both letting out a laugh, The slim man gently landed his hand on the table close to the gorgeous woman, looking down at his plate.

"I'm too shy.. to look at you in the eyes, but I'm glad about this date, you always make me feel at ease, Presley." He moved his hand back to his lap. "I apologize if I've been off lately, I hope it did not come off as rude. Spare that feeling." 

She looked at his shallow eyes, finally realizing the "off" behavior he gave off.

"Look, it didn't make me weirded out." The soft voice spoke, "its how I came to ask you on this date. You were finally calm. I liked that."

His eyes widened, meeting her wide smile and flushed cheeks. 


vox and presley love story ;) ;)Where stories live. Discover now