two: late night drives

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GWEN WAS LOOKING DOWN at the plate in front of her as everyone around her was laughing and socializing. It was close to being a hour before her meet up with Sam. She still needed to get ready and prepare herself for the night, despite them making their meet ups a tradition for the part 2 years when Gwen and her family would go to Cousins.

"Steven, I swear to God, if you look at that phone one more time, I'm putting it in the screen basket," Laurel gave her son a pointed look. Gwen glanced up at her younger brother to see him showing Jeremiah something that was on his phone. Steven's smile began to fade, until Susannah decided to speak up.

     "It's just, we want to see your beautiful faces," Susannah smiled, raising her cup to her lips. "Can dinner be a screen-free zone? You know, like the olden days."

     Everyone around the table chuckled at her words, but paused when Steven continued to be on his phone. Laurel's glare on her oblivious son was full of heat, which Jeremiah realized.

     "Steven," Jeremiah managed to grab Steven's phone. Gwen laughed at the look on Steven's face as Jeremiah did a basketball like shot with the phone. The phone flew in the air for a couple seconds before making it onto to the soft chair to the left of her.

     "Dude, are you kidding me?"

     "Boom! Nailed it," Jeremiah cheered, flexing his arms.

     "Okay, okay, okay, we get it, you've been working out," Steven sarcastically stated, looking away from the boy.

     "Oh, you're just jealous because Jere has a better body than you," Belly teased, causing Gwen to chuckle. Steven gapped at his younger sister's words and rushed to defend himself.

     "Uh, no, actually, it's all about the lean look now. Otherwise, you can't wear tailored suits," He argued, which made everyone around shake their head with a chuckle.

     "Sure, sure. Tailored suits," Conrad chuckled, looking to Gwen with a 'are you kidding' look on his face. It made her chuckle more, which earned her a glare from Steven. It left after a moment when he decided to get the conversation off of him.

     "When are you leaving for training camp, man?" Steven asked. At his question, that was an innocent one, made the Fisher trio go quiet, which made Gwen and her family go quiet. Confusion filled Gwen's head, squinting her eyes at Conrad when she saw the look on his face.

     "Uh, he quit football," Jeremiah stated awkwardly.

     What? Gwen thought to herself. Her eyes were still on Conrad, who was looking away from everyone, his body seeming tense at all the attention. She knew the boy loved to play football, why would he quit?

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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