Gauis was so kind to me, so I need to make this work. He wanted me to find paid work, and then it was basically handed to me. So screw my 'destiny' and screw meat-head Arthur. I'll make this work for Gauis...and my mother. They wanted me to be safe, and here I'll be safe. What's saver than being in the company of the prince himself? He's probably the most protected person in this kingdom!

"Looks better than the pants!"

"I don't think it's appropriate to talk to your maid like prince!" He held out his hand to help me up, and I took it hesitantly. This is the first nice thing he's done for me since I started to work for him.

"Go...we're done for today. But you still need to learn tournament etiquette till morning! It's very important. I don't want to be humiliated in front of the entire court by my own maid!" Tournament etiquette? Is this a joke? The royals have lost their mind.

"I'll do my best, don't worry, my prince." Arthur huffed annoyed, walking away with an uncertain look on his face. "Hmpf...ass." I whispered.

I quickly made my way back to Gauis. My body will definitely be covered in bruises by tomorrow. But that's no surprise, I do bruise easily. He could've given me a friendly slap on the shoulder and I would've felt it for a couple of days. Gauis tended to my injuries while I read the book about amour. "Gauis I have no idea how to put the amour on and this book is only about the different parts and him to forge them." With a quick chant, I close the book and levitate it back on a shelf.

Gauis hit me over the head with a towel. "Ow! Please, not the head." I covered it with my arms protectively.

"What have I told you about using your magic like this?" He muttered disappointed.

"I would use my arms if I could lift them." They were really sour, and my shoulders are killing me.

"Alright, alright. I'll allow this once! As if for the tournament, you should ask Gwen. Her father is the blacksmith, she knows all about amour there is to know."

"Do you think she'll have time? Everybody is so busy with the tournament." The preparations have taken over the entire castle. I understand none of it. What exactly is the point of a bunch of man fighting each other for no other reason than to prove that they're big, strong boys.

"I'm sure she did seem rather fond of you the other night. She'll make time, especially because you work for Arthur. No one wants to be on his bad side, particularly."

"I can imagine. Right," I stood up and walked to my room. "I'll change, then I'll be on my way."

My body ached as I peeled off my clothes and opened my closet to look for a dress to wear. It made me wonder...why was Arthur so interested in my clothes? Surely he had better things to worry about?

I chose a simple white dress for the quick visit to Gwen's. "I'll be gone now!" I called as I left the chambers and made my way out of the castle. Finding Gwen's home wasn't that hard, carrying the amour there was dreadful, though. My hands were full as I tried to knock on the door, almost dropping Arthur's helmet. He'll kill me if I drop his amour.

"Merlyn!" Thank god, Gwen opened the door. She took some of the amour from my hands. "Did Arthur send you to have something repaired? My father isn't here at the moment, sorry." She inspected the amour to look for damage but couldn't find anything.

"No, I actually wanted to ask you for help. I have no clue how to put this on!"

"Ah! Right. For the tournament. Come in. Arthur will be insufferable if you don't do it perfectly." She led into her house and asked me to stand in the middle of the room so we had enough space. "So, how much do you know?"

Merlyn's Destiny || Arthur Pendragon ♡ ♡ ♡Where stories live. Discover now