Isaac chuckled at the evident hostility in his voice and quirked an eyebrow. "Oh, come on Oliver, no need to be rude. We were friends before all of this, nothing has to change." He took the liberty to lean against the lockers next to Oliver's while he awaited a response.

Oliver had to stifle a laugh. He tore his gaze away from his locker and glanced at Isaac through squinted eyes. "Nothing needs to change? Really?" Oliver patted his shoulder in a somewhat condescending manner. "Isaac, everything changed the moment you decided to become Derek's personal guard dog, following orders left and right."

Slightly offended, Isaac shrugged his hand off and took a step back. "I don't follow orders, Oliver. I do what I need to do to survive. That's it."

The bell rang and Oliver sighed.

He could understand Isaac's reasoning and was sympathetic to his circumstances. For him, Derek was the best option for survival. He offered Isaac the one thing he craved more than anything; the strength to fight back against his father. And who was Isaac to decline that?

But Oliver knew what Derek had become since he took on the title of alpha. Selfish, greedy, and reckless were words that Oliver would use to describe him, but they just barely scratched the surface of his need for control and power. He, much to his own and Sofía's dismay, was walking the thin line that separated his behavior from Peter's, and slowly, he was straying from the path of redemption.

Sofía, even though she would never admit it out loud, hoped that when the day came when he would be forced to choose what kind of alpha he wished to be, she would be there to pull him in the right direction. Because she knew, that if he really tried, he could be an alpha his mother would be proud of.

Oliver closed his locker and for the first time in a while, he looked at Isaac, a boy he once considered a close friend, now nothing more than a stranger.

"I would love to be your friend still, Isaac, but for that, I need to be able to trust you. And with Derek making the majority of your choices for you, I can't do that." Oliver began walking backward toward his next class, with a sympathetic smile on his lips. "Come find me when your head isn't stuck up Derek's ass, and then we'll talk."


Scott, Stiles, and Oliver meet up after the first period to talk about what they each managed to find about the kanima. It was a rather short conversation, especially since neither Scott nor Oliver managed to find anything at all.

"I only found one thing online called a Kanima, and it's a werejaguar from South America that goes after murderers," Stiles informed his friends as he adjusted the backpack slung over his shoulder.

Oliver squinted and pursed his lips. "I don't know about you both, but I'm pretty confident that what we saw at the pool was not a werejaguar but an overgrown lizard."

Scott nodded along with his words. "I agree. That thing? Not a jaguar."

"Yeah, and last I checked, I'm not exactly a murderer," Stiles added.

Oliver pointed at his best friend, his eyebrows raised and mouth formed into an 'O'. "Yes, that too."

Scott made a face. "Yeah, but you did see it kill somebody, which is probably why it tried to kill you...And it's still trying to kill you, and it probably won't stop until you're dead," he said absent-mindedly, not seeming to notice the horrified expression on Stiles' face.

The Stilinski boy pursed his lips and shook his head. "You know, sometimes I really begin to question this 'friendship'." Stiles remarked whilst using air quotes.

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