His orders were met with a chorus of acknowledgments from his subordinates, their loyalty to the Nazi cause evident in their unwavering obedience. They knew that the fate of New Berlin—and perhaps the world itself—hung in the balance, and they were prepared to do whatever it took to emerge victorious.

With the Blutnacht looming on the horizon, Reichsfuhrer Ewers stood resolute, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. The stage was set for a battle unlike any other, and he was ready to unleash hell upon his enemies.

"*laughs*, Soon Adolf, you will come back." Ewers said before laughing manically.

Reichsfuhrer Ewers' laughter echoed through the halls of the Reichstag, a chilling testament to his unwavering dedication to the Nazi cause. As he reveled in his twisted ambitions, his mind filled with visions of triumph and conquest.

With each peal of laughter, Ewers' resolve only grew stronger, his determination to see his vision realized unwavering. For him, the return of Adolf Hitler was not just a possibility—it was an inevitability, a destiny that he would stop at nothing to fulfill.

And as he stood in the heart of New Berlin, surrounded by the echoes of his own maniacal laughter, Reichsfuhrer Ewers knew that the Blutnacht was only the beginning. The true horrors of war were yet to come, and he would embrace them with open arms, eager to see his twisted dreams brought to fruition.


Becaon Academy, Ozpin's tower 6-25-20

Salem and Ozpin look at each other with hidden hate, their war can do that to one another. but they could not unleased said anger as they know who truly killed their daughter all those years ago: the Nazis.

For four hundred years, they had waged a clandestine war, their battles fought in the shadows of history and the annals of time. Each encounter had left its mark upon their souls, etching deep scars of resentment and bitterness that festered beneath the surface of their immortal beings.

But amidst their simmering hatred, there was a shared understanding—a recognition of the true enemy that lurked beyond the confines of their eternal struggle. It was the Nazis who had torn their world asunder, who had robbed them of their daughters and set in motion a chain of events that had led to untold suffering and devastation up to today.

And so, despite their animosity towards each other, Ozpin and Salem found themselves united in purpose, bound by a common desire to see justice served and vengeance exacted upon those who had wronged them. In the face of a greater threat, their personal vendettas faded into insignificance, replaced by a singular focus on the task at hand.

"So, when are you gonna stop starring at one another and speak?" the Voice of President Gates cut through the air, making the Wizzard and Witch stop their starring contest. as they return, they saw Mercury, Emerald, Watts, and Hazel on one side, Ironwood, Qrow, Oobleck and Glynda on the other, and Commander James Connor, Sea Admiral Russel Ward, Marine Commander Santiego Cortez, and Space Admiral Alvin Chester in the middle, these Americans where in the frontline as the rest of HIGHCOM was still in America. With a sigh, Ozpin broke his gaze away from Salem, turning his attention to the assembled group before him.

"President Gates, esteemed colleagues." Ozpin began, his voice measured and composed. "We find ourselves at a critical juncture in our struggle against the Nazi menace. It is imperative that we set aside our differences and work together if we are to have any hope of prevailing."

Salem, too, shifted her focus to the others in the room, her expression inscrutable as she regarded them with a mixture of suspicion and disdain. "Indeed." she added, her voice a cold whisper that carried the weight of centuries of bitterness. "Our enemy grows stronger with each passing day, and it is only by standing united that we can hope to thwart their ambitions."

RWBY: The Remnant Pastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن