introduction to the crew

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This is a description of the tank and its crew

With a crew of four, the medium tank type is called FTV-9 (Friedrich-Tank-Version 9)
With a 75 mm cannon
And armour of a maximum thickness of 90mm

With a crew of four, the medium tank type is called FTV-9 (Friedrich-Tank-Version 9)With a 75 mm cannonAnd armour of a maximum thickness of 90mm

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The captain of the crew:
Mike Woodcutter
35 years old
Has two children

He is 178cm tall and has brown hair hazel eyes and wears the uniform of a tank commander. He doesn't like the commander hat, so he never wears it.

Mike is a leader like no other but sometimes a little to direkt, and he fights not because he loves what he left behind but because he hates what's in front of him.

Tank gunner:
James smith
28 years old
Pregnant wife

They call him the short king because he is 165 cm short, but his aim can never be more true. He never missed a target while standing still and has a high hit rate while the tank is on the move. He is blond and has a beard, of which he is very proud. His blue eyes are "perfect," and well, women want him, but he only needs his wife. He is friendly and respectful, and he has no short fuse. You can yell at him, and he stays composed.

Tank loader
Joseph jackson
No children

He is a brunette with green eyes 178.5 cm tall and is known for his bravery. he can be hard to work with, but he just had a hard childhood. If you know him well, you can get through that hard shell. He is from an enemy country but was banished at age 13 for being attracted to men. The others don't know this, though.

Machine gunner/driver
Thomas operatus
No children

Thomas is a drafted soldier he had to fight because his old man couldn't. He has ginger hair and grey eyes with lots of freckles, which make him look like a 16 year old. he is 172 cm tall and is not that brave. He knows that he must fight but doesn't want to die a virgn.

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