one: hello, summer

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"What do you need a curfew for? You don't go anywhere," Steven chucked.

"Don't be a jerk, Steven," Gwen gave him a look through the rear view mirror. Belly looked at her sister in thanks.

"Belly, we'll talk about it when something comes up," Laurel softly said, causing a small scoff to escape the younger teen. She hated being the youngest and treated like a child. She was only a little under two years younger than Gwen, and a little over a year younger than Steven. She didn't get why she couldn't go hang out with them. Belly quickly shook the thought away and looked at Gwen.

"Oh, and don't forget, you promised that you would take me driving," Belly reminded her, which gained a nod in return.

"Belly, I told you I'd take you," Laurel argued, shocked that Belly seemed to not want her to teach her how to drive.

"Yeah, but you're too judgy," Belly replied, getting quiet at the end when her mom turned to look at her.

"Excuse me?" Laurel's mouth dropped as Steven laughed at his sister's reply. Gwen chuckled too, finding the look on her mom's face to be hilarious.

"Yes, I'm sorry," Belly laughed, looking out towards the window.


     "I'm actually gonna get a drink and go to the bathroom before we get to the house," Gwen told her little brother, moving to take off her seat belt. He glanced up from his phone while he sat in the back. "Did you want anything that you didn't already tell mom and Belly?"

"Can you make sure that they got me the snacks I asked for?" Steven asked.

"Sure," She nodded.

     The door dinged as she walking into the small gas station. Her eyes immediately saw the guy that she knew as Jumper at the cash register talking to Belly. She remembered him from when he would go to the parties on the beach. He was a couple years older than her, which meant he was way too old for Belly.

"Coming to the bonfire tonight? First of the season" He smiled, not realizing that he was talking to an almost 16 year old girl. As she was about to respond, Gwen interrupted.

"Hey, Bells. Did you and mom pay already? I changed my mind. Also, Steven wanted me to make sure you two got his stuff," Gwen walked to the counter. The two looked over to her when she stopped next to Belly. Jumper's eyes went up and down on the girl, clearly becoming even more interested when he saw a few of her tattoos that were spread throughout both arms. A shiver of disgust went down her back, not liking how he was looking at her at all.

"We didn't yet, I think mom should be coming up with everything about now," Belly answered just in time for their mom to come up to the register with some of the snacks that Steven had wanted. Laurel looked towards Gwen with raised eyebrow, as well as lifting her hand that held her brother's items, but also a drink that looked like one that Gwen always got.

"I was one step ahead of you, Gwen," Laurel gave her eldest a knowing smile, which made Gwen smile back a little. Laurel, then, turned to look at Belly too. "Gwen, Belly, after we get settled, would you two want to go to Whale of a Tale with me so I can pre-sign stock before the signing tomorrow Remember how you used to sit on my lap when I did signings there, Belly? You insisted on drawing a little whale on every book I signed. Do you remember when you would be my little body guard, Gwen? You wanted to make sure no one hurt your celebrity mom."

so long, cousins | conrad fisherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora