How It Started

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It all started as a normal day for Brozone everyone was in Branch's bunker 

Brozone was playing Battleship

"A2" Clay said

"Haha you missed" John Dory said

"Darn" Clay said "Your turn"

"Uhhhh B5" Bruce said to Floyd 

"You sunk my battle ship!" Floyd said

"Yes" Bruce celebrated

Bruce got up and started jumping up and down "I did it, I did it!!"

"AAAAAAAAAA" John Dory screamed "You jumped on my leg!!!" 

"Oops" Bruce said backing away

"D3" Floyd said

"You missed" Clay taunted him

"J7" Branch said to Bruce

"Ya got me" Bruce said

"John your turn" Floyd said

"Excuse me someone just smashed my foot and you expect me to play?" John Dory said

"Ok then it's Clays turn" Floyd said

"No I'll go" John Dory said walking perfectly fine to the table

"Bu- what?" Bruce said confused

"G8" John Dory said to Clay

"Darn it" Clay said "That was my last ship" he said

"Haha I'm victorious!!" John Dory celebrated

Clay flipped the table and it landed on John Dory

"AAAAAA, my other leg" John Dory screamed holding it

"Whoops" Clay shrugged then walked away chuckling

"Aw come on Clay" Bruce, Floyd, and Branch said in sync

"What should we do now?" Floyd asked

"I don't know" Branch said "Poppy invited me to a party at 6:00 you wanna come"

"Sure" Bruce said looking at his wrist "That's in about 2 hours"

"You don't even have a watch" Floyd said

"It's still in 2 hours" Bruce said

"Wait how did you know" Branch asked

"I don't know" Bruce said "Just a guess"

"Lets go see what the village is doing in the meantime" Branch said

"Sure" Floyd said

"Clay, John you coming" Bruce yelled to them

"No my leg is broken" John Dory said

"Sure it is" Floyd said

"What about you Clay?" Branch asked

"Nope I have to find all your fu- I mean my sock" Clay said

"Ok..." Branch said

The brothers got on the elevator and went up to the village

They then started walking to the village then Floyd noticed something

"Wait trolls don't wear socks" Floyd said

"So what is he looking for" Branch asked concerned

"I don't know" Bruce said

The brothers came to a stop "Oh hey look there's Creek" Bruce said

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