He came into the kitchen, a without a word, he grabbed the apron and started making breakfast. Taehyung watched as he lightly glazed the skillet and threw in sausages. He loaded bread into the toaster and went on the slice up some fruit. The coffee machine dinged when the coffee was ready and Taehyung pulled out two mugs from the shelf and poured the coffee. He carefully carried them to the table and set them down.

Jungkook took off the apron and turned around carrying two plates of buttered toast and sausages, the bowl of fruit was already placed in the centre of the table.

Taehyung looked at the spread and then up at Jungkook.

When had they slipped into a routine? It had barely been 5 days since he had moved in! All of this was so domestic, it was weird but new and yet it felt like they had been doing it for years.

How had this happened?

Jungkook was already seated and had started to dig in. He looked up at Taehyung who stood frozen by his chair, staring down at his plate.

"Something wrong with your plate?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung swallowed and shook his head, sitting down on the chair, he started to eat.

"Mmmmm...." He moaned with his mouth full. "Amazing"

Jungkook chuckled "It's just toast."

"Can I just hire you as my personal chef?" Taehyung asked while gobbling down the sausages.

"Depends." Jungkook shrugged.

"On what?"

"What would be the terms of my employment?" Jungkook asked.

"You cook, I eat." Tae grinned.

His boxy smile lit up his face and shot straight through Jungkook's heart. Jungkook couldn't help his eyes lighting up like Christmas as he looked at the gorgeous little rectangle happiness on the older's face.

"And payment?" Jungkook asked.

"I'll pay you in compliments." Tae offered while grabbing another mouthful. "And coffee."

Jungkook giggled happily. "Deal!"

The sound was so happy and wholesome. It reminded Tae just how much he had missed it. It took so little to make the boy laugh and yet he hadn't heard that sound even once since he had come to live here.

It did funny things to his heart.

They ate in comfortable silence for a while, before Jungkook asked.
"What time does the session start?"

"Eleven." Taehyung answered, finishing up the last of his breakfast.

"Should we go together or....." Jungkook's voice trailed away.

"I'll drive us." Taehyung deadpanned. He didn't want him to call his boyfriend to give him a ride again. Not while he was still breathing.

"About our talk the other day...." Jungkook started, he had been feeling guilty for cornering Tae like that. It was unfair of him to expect Taehyung to not only join the vacation for two full weeks, but also act like they were a real couple.

"I'll do it!" Tae interrupted him.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook looked at him, unable to believe that he was actually ready to do this.

"Yeah... not like I have a choice, really. And I understand why you would lie to your parents. I would've done the same. If the company wasn't involved, there's no way in hell I would have told my Halmeoni about all of this." Taehyung explained.

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