I shifted off her lap and onto turn seat next to me. She helped me pull my underwear and jeans back up before I crawled into the front seat and ahead went around the car to get into the drivers seat.

We started driving back to her place and her hand was on my thigh climbing higher and higher as we talked, all while my own hand was running smoothly up her forearm.

Something about this all felt oddly like it had a sexual meaning.

We pulled into her driveway but something about how her low lit outside lights made her face glow, awoke something inside me.

I know I just came all over her fingers but I wanted her now more than anything.

"Stay there." She said softly and left the car. She came round to my side and opened my door.

I gave her a soft kiss as a thank you before grabbing everything else and heading inside.

Valentina insisted on taking the basket inside while I carried my bag.

"Do you want any water?" She asked as she walked to her fridge after she took her jacket off.

The house was still dark, not many lights were on only the fridge light and the soft golden glow of the cabinet lights.

Somehow it made her glow, like I was staring at her in a soft candle light. It was making my head spin.

"Love?" She turned to ask me. I hadn't realised I forgot to answer her and was admiring her so much. I burned a bright red.

She took her hair out of the ponytail it rested in from earlier ruffling her hair with her hands. And god did she make the simple everyday action look so attractive.

"Sorry." I said shyly turning away.

"No more sorry's." She said walking up to me. She kissed my cheek softly and wrapped her arms around me.

"Okay." I said sliding my hands up around her neck and placing a kiss to her lips.

The kiss started out soft and slow but somewhere along the line it turned into a hot and heavy kiss.

Filled with passion, need, desire. So much need. I tangled my hands in her hair, letting them get lost in her hair.

Our tongues explored each other's mouths eagerly, like there was a rush on the kiss.

I'll admit I was getting impatient and not only growing wetter with each second that passed but also extremely needy. Valentina's hands gripped my waist more firmly, drawing me into her.

She pulled back slightly. "Jump." She said and I did it.

I wrapped my legs around her waist and she held me tightly in her arms as she moved us out of the kitchen up the stairs.

I placed kisses and marks to her neck. "Fuck Val, don't drop me." I said softly into her skin.

"Never baby." She said.

We made it to the top of the stairs and she took us to her room closing the door behind us.

Valentina's POV

The minute I got us into the room I pushed her up against the walls and kissed like I never had before.

Her hands got tangled in my hair and it sent my body into a frenzy. There was no holding back, where ever this was going.

She lowered her legs to stand up against the wall that her back pressed firmly into.

"Up." I murmured against her mouth. As my hands tucked underneath her shirt to pull it over her head.

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