Gael - Why Am I Back?

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My cousins all went back to wherever they were. My auntie and uncles all left.

It's just me, Aurora and mom right now. And mom had finally gotten over dad leaving. I'm not. Over the fact that she might've killed Carly I meant.

Not like I'm ever gonna bring that up. That's a last resort thing for an argument I guess.

Anyways, today is the first day back. Am I excited? No, only for theatre. School is so boring and hellish, I know dam well half of the kids who's taking a fine art class is only doing it for coping reasons.

I walked up the school, seeing the new, fresh, malleable grade 9s coming up into the auditorium for their first year thing. We're gonna spend an hour in homeroom today instead of 15 minutes just for them, first thing in the morning.

There are people I'm excited to see like my friends. 

There are people I don't want to see, like Heather. I wonder if she is still trying to figure out who was that detective lady that visited her. I wouldn't mind seeing Hudson.

The pick-mes, well I have to see them to help April out on her past life.

Me and the homeroomies went into our room in the basement, that one lone room in the basement. My homeroom teacher teachers Personal Fitness 20, for the grade 11s. Could've taken that, but I didn't.

Mr. Guysletsplaydodgeballboysvsgirls welcomed us back, "Welcome back! Look at y'all, seniors now! I'm gonna miss y'all when y'all leave at the end of the year." He started to sob as he handed us our timetable for semester 1.

Aaaah yes, physics first thing in the morning. Then math and english. Then the afternoon is just pure theatre. I just know my second semester will be bad.

I have no friends in this class. Until now, there's April but she doesn't count.

"Do you have any classes with the pick-mes?" She asked as we got to my usual spot at the third row. The perfect distance away from the front and the back.

"I don't know," I replied lowly, making sure no one could hear me.

"Class," Mr. Guysletsplaydodgeballboysvsgirls announced, "I almost forgot. This year is our last year here. I'm gonna miss you guys!" He sniffled.

He set down a box of 50 timbits on the front, "WE GOTTA MAKE THE MOST OF IT!"

I watched as April took the chocolate glazed ones, the best flavour. I also cringed as I watch some kids taking the birthday cake flavour. Who even likes that?


Physic was really boring, I could've picked chemistry or biology. But they have so much wet lab activities, it's unhygienic and the amount of germs in a dead frog is concerning. Chemistry definitely have a chance of starting a fire because humans are dumb. I don't want that.

But then, Ms. Speedofwhichabirdflyat have such a monotonic boring voice, everyone uses it as a white noise to study for something else. She jumps into lesson right away, not caring who we are.

The English with Mrs. Whatsthesymbolismideabehindthebluebowl is normal, I guess. I mean, she made us write an essay on what we did in the summer, in MLA format. What am I to do?

We also have a presentation on some random topic relating to adolescent problems due in 2 weeks. I got grouped with some people that I know will not do any works.

Hopefully April can do something to help.

Finally, I got math with Mr. Asquareplusbsquareequalcsquare, who is... Well he breathes so good for him.

I sat in the front, just because that's the place where I can guarantee no one will come. Really want to sit alone for this class.

But then someone sat next to me and I almost scream for them to leave. Maybe if I act unlikable, no one will be sitting with me.

Math and human interaction simply just do not mix.

"Hi," they said brightly. It's Hudson.

Well now I can't do shits to get him to leave, that's mean.

"Hey," I replied quickly, not look at him and put all my focuses on to my notebook.

"Okay class, this will be your sit for the rest of the year haha, get to know your partner," The teacher announced and went on his computer.

I don't know how I'm going to survive this year with no friends in my classes.


After third-wheeling for Francis and Nolan, I've finally arrived to the safe haven. The auditorium for theatre.

There are a few new grade 9s joining the 'theatre family' and they look like the reason why this year's production will turn to chaos. Well, I'm glad there's more guys doing this, because you know how many we had for ensemble last year? 3 guys, all basses.

If you're a guy in theatre, I guarantee you will get a lead role or some more important job than background tree #3.

There are 3 teachers, the choir, band and drama teachers, managing this. They might give us random pointers if they feel like it, we have a stage manager anyways.

Heather sat next to me on the green plastic chair.

"Hello there," She said, "Sure hope your summer was enjoyable. Some fraud detective went into my house, I called the cops. Hope they find 'her' soon."

Who asked you? We aren't friends. I think she's onto me.

"What musical are they doing now?" April asked me, "Hamilton?" Nah. It's still on Broadway we're not legally allowed to do that.

But wait, who's gonna stop the teachers from doing so? Musical police?

My money is on Cats, because our school stand at a very low level, but we can still be lower.

She went to the teacher's table to find any programs, leaving me alone with a demon spawn.

"It went good actually," I lied, "Didn't know you enjoy this."

"Yeah, I thought it will help me with my acting skills," She replied, shrugging.

The teachers clapped their hands to get our attention. Everyone stopped talking and reverted their eyes to the front.

"Hello and welcome to Musical Theatre everyone! This year, we will be doing Heathers the Musical! " Mrs. Wavethedirectorstickaround, the band teacher announced.

Mr. Youneedtooverexageratethesituationnooneisheretojudgeyou, the drama teacher, nodded and added, "Last year, The Lion King did not work out great, barely anyone came because This Knee made it better... So we have to do something everyone will be excited for."

Translation, we need money.

"We will only have 1 cast, not 2 like usual, as we have to perform in November this year. Not a lot of time. So main cast, when we pick you, you better be there, no one's backing up for ya," Ms. Sopranostopcryingcauseyoudidntgetasolo, the choir teacher, informed us.

Gosh all of the teachers in this school was born to teach what they teach.

That's when the pick-mes walked in late. I'm surprised they're even doing this at all.

"Oh they better not get all of the Heather roles. I'm literally a Heather," Heather said, glaring at them.

... One Heather, two Heathers, red Heather, blue Heather.

Since the pick-mes are in this class, that will make interrogating for April them easier.



yo wtf i dont remember making this chapter.

i think i dont control my writing, they control me. so a bunch of things in here are like... there because my finger typed so


The Spirits Within Us All [First Draft/In Edit]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin