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Hell's Hounds are very excited "YAY! Now that you're 3rd years we can finally all go to hogsmeade together!" Fred exclaimed happily "the first trip to hogsmeade for the year is in a week, what should we do?" Dazai asked the twins "well, we could go to the three broomsticks and have some butterbeer or we could go get some lollies at honeydukes" George suggested "butterbeer? Do the teachers approve of kids having beer? I know Snape wouldn't" Dazai asked "well it's only got a little alcohol in it so we're allowed a bit" Fred replied 'strange. Whenever I went to the bar I had to use a fake ID.' Dazai thought. Hell's Hounds hung out a bit until it was curfew and everyone went back to their dorms (except Dazai obviously)

The next day Hell's Hounds all sat together at breakfast and decided that first they would go to honeydukes to grab some lollies, then they would get some supplies for pranks and test answer stealing and finally go to the threes broomsticks for some butterbeer. Then they planned out thier next pranks so they knew what supplies to buy.

Later in the day, they finally made it to Hogsmeade. They walked down the road and talked for a while until they got to honeydukes. They quickly went through the store and brought some things before heading to the next store, they ended up getting motion sensors that you paired with your wand so if someone walks past your wand glows blue for stealing test answers easier and some pieces of flash paper that could be set off from afar with your wand for scaring people with. 

Then they finally went to the three broomsticks. "This stuff is a lot different to whiskey" Dazai muttered "you've had whiskey????" Hermione whisper yelled at him "yeah the bartender in bar lupin didn't care if you were underage as long as he got paid" Dazai said "oh Merlin I can't beleive someone would be so irresponsible" Hermione said sounding pained "snakey you really shouldn't drink that stuff, your only 14" George said and Fred nodded "don't worry, since I don't live in Yokohama anymore I can't go to bar lupin anymore anyways" Dazai said ignoring their concern. After a bit they all had to go back to Hogwarts, and of course test out the new supplies by stealing the answers for the next quiz with the help of the sensor.

(PLEASE READ okay so it didn't save my changes so this is a draft i scrapped but I'm too lazy to fix it)

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