Chapter One: The Accidental Teleportation...

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River Grimes was not an ordinary thirteen-year-old boy. Yes, he was standing out front of a movie theater, waiting for a girl he liked. And yes his heart was beating a mile a minute like any first date.

But that's where the normal stops for River Grimes. His raven black hair and amethyst eyes are enough to make him not normal.

Last year, River had just been a lowly orphan boy, living in a horrible orphanage in Oregon. Ran by an evil old woman, who often neglected River, and turned her back to the constant and relentless bullying he received while being there.

One day, after being thrown out by his bullies, River went up to the lighthouse alone. Where Pan Palmer, a mysterious woman would tell him that he is a part of a secret race of humans that live in hiding, a Wizard. From there, he was enrolled in the American Wizarding School for Witchcraft and Wizardry: Ilvermorny.

He met his two best friends on the train ride to his new mysterious school. Archie Sweet, son of Wizard candy makers. Tall, and had round glasses. Chocolate brown hair, a signature in the large Sweet family. Together during his first year at Ilvermorny, they became a rare breed of Wizard in the Wizarding World. They became Animagi. Archie could shapeshift into the form of a Fox. While River could form into a great black wolf. His other friend, whom River is waiting on for their movie date.

Is Murphy Graves. A Pure-Blood Witch, and complete opposite of her rich and important family. Murphy for one is a tomboy, who would rather surf than dress up and have fancy dinners. Climb trees, and practice her dueling rather than push her Pure-Blood status onto others. Murphy was also shunned by her father and twin brother because she was a Metamorphmagus. An extremely rare blood trait in the Wizarding World, that allows the holder of the trait to shapeshift into any person they desire, and change their features at will. Her first rebellious act on the train for her first year was to change her hair from the powerful blonde hair of her Pure-Blood family to a vibrant blue shoulder-length bob. And would change her hairstyle whenever she felt the need.

After their first year had ended, they all went to their homes for the summer. River and Murphy had sent owls to each other and promised to have a date at the movie theater a few miles away from River's adoptive mother's house. In a small New York town called Cold Springs. A No-Maj town, Pan Palmer, River's adoptive mother, has a house a mile out of town in a secluded area surrounded by trees.

River had ridden a bike V had owned, he was Pan's husband who had died a few years before she had met River. Now he stood in front of the theater, rocking back and forth on his heels.

The ticket booth lit up, and a woman sat down inside of it. River had arrived an hour before the ticket booth even opened, from being too nervous about the date. The teller in the booth looked at River, and he quickly paid for two tickets for Back to the Future.

But Murphy hadn't arrived yet, so River backed away after receiving his two tickets to wait for her. He watched the line that had formed behind him slowly shrink, one by one they got their tickets and went inside to get their snacks. River kept looking out to the street, hoping to see Murphy apparate with her mother like she said she would.

"Hey kid," the teller said. "The movie is about to start."

"Ok," River said. "I'm just waiting for someone." He shifted nervously, looking down the small street again.

"Ok," the teller said, then she left her booth and entered the theater.

River watched the sunset slowly turn darker, until night fell, and the moon came out. He would often catch workers from the theater looking at him through the windows. As more time passed, he could catch the sounds of Back to the Future through the walls as he stood there. His feet started to hurt, more and more as the minutes passed.

River Grimes and the Champions CurseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant