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I'm very happy putting out this chapter, as Hange and Sira will finally reconcile, yay!
This time, you're about to explore a bit of Hange's body image struggles. I tried really hard making it as realistic as possible, hoping to do an important yet difficult topic like this justice.

Song recommendation for this chapter:

"September - Instrumental" by Goomp

Commander Shadis and his squad was able to make out the remaining two Scouts who had brought most of the villagers to safety; hiding out near one of the Titan Forests. They were able to aid many families in their escape, leaving behind their camp and two of their comrades as a consequence. And still, their losses stood small against the many lives they had saved. Despite all these successes, both Erwin and Hange couldn't help but to feel like they both failed in a way, seeing just how despondent Sira appeared to be, when they had all gathered at the town square again.

For a few more hours, the Scouts helped bringing back all the villagers and searching their houses once more. A special troop had been sent out to search for the group of raiders, as the one, that had tried fleeing the scene last, was captured by Moblit after he had climbed out of that window. He was very talkative in the hopes of not having to face just as much of a penalty; but it wasn't the Commander's decision, after all. Fourteen people had been found to being guilty of raiding multiple villages like this for the last months; killing two Scouts and six civilians from this village during their break-ins.

The Garrison would further deal with this group of people and it didn't take long for a group of people with rose emblems on their jackets, hauling off the criminals. And when the sun started to set on that day, the Survey Corps squads returned to their headquarters; Erwin never leaving his sister's side.

It had been such a long time, since she had last felt like this; her limbs heavy, as if they were weighing her down. There was no pain, but she felt tired and worn out. Once the panic had stopped, a crushing feeling of numbness spread throughout her entire body. Sira just wanted to sleep, she wanted to forget about all of which she had thought she had left behind.

As she handed her horse's rein to one of the Equine Scouts who had waited for their comrades return, Erwin quickly caught up next to her.

"Do you want me to accompany to your room? I can stay the night, if you want. My reports can wait, I already asked Commander Shadis about it and-", he offered, the guilt in his voice being ever so noticeable, but Sira shook her head, giving him a worn out smile.

"It's alright, don't worry. I think I'll just... take a shower and go to bed. Maybe I'll... take the day off tomorrow, perhaps you could tell him that.", she said and even though she really meant to comfort Erwin, he didn't buy it. He didn't buy that it was alright; that she was alright and just like back then, he felt so helpless about his sister's trauma, that he couldn't prevent. He nodded quietly, watching her as she was one of the first people going back inside, but out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted Hange, who, hesitantly but still, seemed to be following Sira. Erwin squinted at her, before running after her and putting his hand on her shoulders with some force.

"Leave her alone, if you're just trying to find comfort about your own helplessness. This is not the time for that, this isn't about you right now, Hange.", he said with determination in his voice, making the squad leader's eyes widen with insecurity, "I know we've never talked about this and we won't, since it's... none of my business. I'm not angry with you, I understand your reasoning. But if you're just wanting to hear her forgive you for your inability to help her, then I want you to know, that you're making this my business, too. I want to protect her and if that means I will have to stop you from pestering her, I'll do it. Please reconsider your intention about going after her right now. I don't want bad blood between the two of us."

The Love We GiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora