The Hell is a Horcrux???

Start from the beginning

Because who the hell becomes a addicted to alcohol at fifteen? Couldn't have been me, whaaaat.

I find myself asking myself how I even got through fifth year, because wow.

Anyway, it had been nice evening, New years; apart from the daunting fact that it was yet another new year without my brother. Yeah. It was a train smash of a holiday season. And I really don't think it would've been better if I'd gone to the Burrow or home.

Cheers to '97 though I guess.

We arrived back in Mcgonagall's office today, the fourth of January. Honey and Crookshanks immediately jumped out of our bags and ran out of the room, out into the familiar hallways and what I assumed they regarded as home.

I was far from ready to continue the rest of the semester... Well, speaking on only my own behalf.

"Exam semester!" Hermione says urgently, not even a minute back at Hogwarts yet. "No time to waste and not a minute to spare."

I couldn't stifle my laugh, "Hermion—"

I was cut off by quite a big object colliding with me from the back, scooping me up into their arms.

"Evening, Potter. Try not to get too much ash on the carpet," Mcgonagall greets.

I beam and turn around to throw my arms around him, holding onto him tightly. He returns the favour. It was crazy how unaware I was of how tense my muscles had been, his touch immediately loosening them.

We decide to skip out on the whole kissing thing, considering our teacher was a few steps away.

Harry straightens his glasses and flattened his hair as he let go of me and Ron came spinning into view. With that, Hermione ran off without a word.

When Ginny had arrived, all four of us trooped out of McGonagall's office and off towards Gryffindor Tower. I was dragging Harry a bit of a distance from the (still fighting) siblings. Our footsteps slightly more audible than usual in the empty corridor... I assume people were all still settling in in their own dorms.

I glance out of the corridor windows as we passed; the sun was already sinking over grounds carpeted in deeper snow than had lain over in the Granger's garden.

In the distance, I could see Hagrid feeding Buckbeak in front of his cabin. Not even a moment later, I felt Harry's arms wrap around me from behind once more, forcing us both to walk slower as he rested his head on the back of mine. We fell behind the redheads significantly.

"I missed you," he says softly."And this looks beautiful on you." He takes my hand and kisses my fingers, acknowledging my wearing of the ring.

I smile, leaning back into Harry'shis embrace, relishing the warmth and comfort of his arms around me. "I missed you too," I murmured.

He laughs softly, his breath tickling my ear as he kept his arms around me. "You know, it feels like forever since I last held you like this."

I giggle too, "Harry, it was like two weeks."


He takes my hand and holds it up to look at it.

"It's a beautiful present, Harry... Really," I smile as he caressed the finger that had the ring he'd gotten me on it. He then brings my fingers up to his mouth and softly kisses them.

Second chances *ੈ✩‧₊˚ (harry potter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now