final chapter (24)

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She kept turning back and there was no sign of Jefferson, she kept moving. Her heart panting from the mystery of the night sound and as she got closer she observed a figure and her steps became lazy, this figure was coming , really coming her default reaction was to run but she halted when she heard a familiar name.
She turned and the closer this figure got the more she recognized it.
Unable to believe who was before her, he didn't wait for her to believe he ran to her and hugged her tightly and possessively.
She looked at him for a while, carresing his cheeks still trying to wrap her head around what was going on then she bursted into tears.
"S- Spencer? " She carresed his hair "you came... for me."
"Skyler" he muttered, his tone exuding passion, hunger, everything everything. Then he inhaled her hair and kissed her deeply with so much fervour, cupping her cheeks with both hands never letting go of her tongue.
"I missed you" Skyler inhaled, enjoying the glory of his embrace, that coverage, that cuddle, that possession, that masculine protection. She had protested before but now she wanted all in, her soul, her body, her spirit.
He kissed her again and inhaled her hair.
"He'll never worry you again" he kissed her forehead. "I swear." He muttered assuringly holding on to her timid, weak body."
He wanted to say so much but all Skyler wanted to do was kiss him which he didn't protest after all he missed such intimacy.
"I love you" Skyler muttered with passion in her eyes. "You have no idea."
He stared at her for a while as those words sunk deep and sang songs of ecstasy. He leaned foreward and kissed her.
"I love you Skyler."
They exchanged kisses not caring about the darkness, the sounds or the crazy guy in the wood house. As far as Skyler was concerned this was her safe heaven.
This was so until they heard sounds of siren at the background.


Skyler had been admitted to the hospital for 3 days before she was discharged and even though everywhere reeked of sick people and medicine at least she was safe, safe with Spencer's frequent visitation. Yes, yes everyone knew they had a thing including her dad, she was tired of being inconsiderate about her emotions and putting her fears in front of the howls of her heart, she loved Spencer and that was established. As time went on Skyler and Brittany's bond began to form again after the gap that was created due to Brittany's inward feeling of guilt of not believing Skyler, Jefferson was behind bars, Ron was calmer around Spencer and then Spencer? Let's just say college way. He had gotten admission to school in Stanford and slowly everything was getting better for Skyler, even though Spencer would be more than 2 thousand miles away from her.

Enjoying comfort in each other's embrace, Skyler's head halfly on his arms and pillow, his arms wrapped around her body.
"I love this" Spencer said softly as he kissed her on her neck. "I can't believe I'll be leaving for college without this."
"You could put me in your suit case." Skyler chuckled.
"Wish that was possible." He hissed and kissed her on her cheeks so hard that she turned blushing ear to ear, taking advantage of that he kissed her on the lips.
"My dad's gonna knock on that door anytime soon." Skyler laughed as Spencer drew her closer.
"It's not going to stop me from doing what I'm about to do now." He smirked as Skyler's face fell.
He hid her hair behind her ears and held her shirt.
"I really wanna do this before I leave for college."
"Do what?" Skyler chuckled as
when he held the hem of her shirt with a smug look on his face, staring into her eyes. Then she understood.

The end.

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