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After 5 days:

Luna softly placed the sleeping kookie on soft bed and gave a peck on his cheek and smiled looking how cutely he is sleeping then she covered him in blanket and leave from Jungkook room

" It's been so many days I didn't gave water to my plants " She said to herself while walking outside the mansion, she loved to give water to plants because his garden was so beautiful.

She was giving water to the plants while humming with a peaceful smile on her face

She moved her head towards the gate when a sound came into her ear it was his bodyguards doing their regular work

She didn't go out after she came here, she saw the little bit outside the area of the mansion as his mansion is covered from large walls " I want to go out "

She decided that this is the great opportunity to go out as kookie is sleeping so there will be no problem
" I will come early " She thought to herself and smiled widely internally

She moved her body inside the mansion and came back after getting ready after an hour ,she wore a off shoulder floral midy with a handbag in her hand

She walked towards the main gate and she hesitately asked one of the bodyguard " C..Can--I go out " Bodyguard looked at her and pause for a moment then nodded

She happily take out her footsteps out of the mansion she started walking on the almost empty streets covered with large trees

She was happy that after how many days she came out of the mansion . She saw a convenience store and she buy a ice cream from there.

She was licking her ice cream while walking on the footpath. She has no idea where she is going she was just enjoying her freedom which can cause a trouble


Jungkook stopped the car at the mansion gate every bodyguard bowed to him, he came to the mansion for some important paper work

He opened his room door and saw kookie sleeping peacefully he moved towards his drawer and took the papers after checking papers

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Aug 31 ⏰

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His Co-wife                                                      |Jungkook|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat