🪷 Chapter.6 🪷

Începe de la început

Y/n looked at namjoon as he smiled "what happened y/n ?" He asked as she gulped "nothing oppa " she said.


He watched how she talked with namjoon but went away to her work he smiled ,he has to admit the cut on his shoulder was deep he got 3 stitches.


He winced in pain a little "if you got stabbed you should have come here sooner phabo " said his friend as he sighed nodding "I know hyung " he whispered a little smile on his lips as his friend rolled his eyes.

"What why are you smiling like an idiot now ?" His friend asked as he smiled "she is brave my little girl kept a knife under her pillow such a cutie " he said smiling more as his friend burst out in laughter "yeah brave enough to stab you " his friend said as he poked his tongue in his cheek.

"Well now I have a mark of her on my body hyung " he said as his friend sighed as the doctor stitched his wound.


Yoongi looked at jungkook and taehyung as they kept silent "guys this is not good okay next time something like this happens you call me immediately " yoongi said as both younger ones nodded yoongi left the room as jungkook and taehyung took deep breath sighing in relief.

"Does it still hurts ?" Taehyung asked as jungkook smiled a little "yeah it does what about you ?" Jungkook asked as taehyung rolled his eyes "I'm dying in pain duh !" He said sassily going away.

Time skip.

Y/n's POV

After thinking about everything I think the stalker is someone I know.

Maybe just maybe even I know it's impossible but I need to confirm things on my own.

I watched as Mr.jeon got out of the office I sighed "jungkook-ah !" I called put as he looked at me smiling he came towards me.

"Yeah ?" He asked as I smiled "I'll drop you home " I said as he nodded we got in his car as I started driving.

"What happened suddenly?" He asked as I smiled "nothing just cause you are hurt and I know you live alone " I said as he nodded "does it hurts?" I asked as I glanced at him "it does the glass of car just cutted my skin open " he said as i nodded.

End of Y/n's POV

Dropping him home she made sure he went inside his house and left for her own house.

The fact that jeon jungkook stays an hour away from her house made her confirm that it ain't him.

"I hope he will be fine soon " she said as she went inside her house she is determined if the stalkers comes today she will make sure to talk it out with him.

Midnight 3Am.

He opened her door as he sighed getting inside wincing in pain even thought his shoulder hurts like hell ,he needs to see her and make sure she fears him.

He went to her bedroom he knew she was sleeping so he didn't cared about lights but as he went inside the lights were off and she was still sleeping.

He slept beside her on the bed pulling her in his arms hugging her from behind sneaking warmth of her.

Y/n's eyes were open as she felt his presence behind her his arms around her as he hugged her to sleep she gulped ,her heartbeating faster trying to process.

"Sleep lotus , I'm too tired to do anything " he whispered in a low voice pain can be heard in his voice as she gulped.

"Get lost " she said as he hugged her more tightly "I need your warmth I'm already in pain lotus , you gave me a good wound " he said as he closed his eyes inhaling her scent always calms him down.

"Why are you doing this ? Who are you ? Do I know you ?" Y/n asked as he sighed "I'm not answering anything I don't have any energy in me " he replied to her for the first time they are having a normal conversation.

"When will you leave me alone ?" She asked as he bite his own tongue she is irritating him.

With his wonded shoulder he held her hands in his hand tightly making her unable to move as he was still hugging her from behind opening her legs his hand travelled inside her shorts as he pinched her clit harshly.

She winced in pain as tears welled up in her eyes it all happened to fast for her to process.

"If you don't sleep now I'll fuck your brains out until you are filled with my kids !" He growled as she immediately closed her eyes tears leaving her eyes.

His hand sneaked in her t-shirt as she wasn't wearing any bra he cupped her boob playing with it little as he knows she is crying.

"Just sleep lotus don't make me want yo punish you " he said as he playing with her boobs until he himself fell asleep.

She fell asleep feeling his close to her , she felt safe for unknown reasons as he hugged her to sleep the warmth which she needed he is providing her.


He woke up as he looked at the time he sighed getting up from beside her he hovered above her looking at her face as she slept peacefully a little dried tears on her cheeks.

Lips slightly parted as he smiling giving few kisses on her face to not disturb her from her sleep he got up leaving her alone to sleep.


The chapter is not edited yet I just updated it and I'm sorry about not updating I was busy with my festival and after the festival I fell sick I was supposed to updated yesterday itself but couldn't due to my health so I updated today and I'll write next chapter soon and update soon thanks for waiting.💜

Have you got yours ?💜🥺

Till Death Do Us Apart : J.JkUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum