1. Meeting Almight

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     A nice lovely afternoon to most, thoughs who were currently being attacked by the local villains at least, and not for izuku. He was just told not even an hour ago to kill himself by his childhood friend. He was quirkless but that's not a way to treat someone. What if he really jumped? He thought. He's hero career would suffer immensely. He knows he wasn't going to. Holding his wet burned book as it began to dry, the pages wrinkled he sighs loudly looking at the front of it. He walked into an arch with a road above him when a villain fished him pushing his liquid body into his mouth leading into his stomach and lungs. I'm sure you know how this ends, Almight swoops in and saves the day, saves his life. Hes thankful, thankful he didn't die there. Almight signed the book though as it was still damp tore a few pages of the book. izuku was passed out for a moment, he awoke soon finding the already signed page. Excitedly he smiled eager to talk to his so called hero but he needed to leave. Instead of accepting that truth he grabbed on tight to his leg as he flew up into the sky soon landing on a building. Izuku, poor izuku asked the question. "Is it possible for me to become a hero?.. one like you Almight." Almight, no sympathy in his voice said his dream were wrong. He could never be a hero without a quirk. No. Before he could ask more Almight zipped awayinto a cloud of smoke, he couldn't see a thing coughing as Almight in full muscle and all zipped away. the voices ran through izukus head. Bakugo, Almight, his other classmates hell even his own mother. He couldn't be a hero. What was he chancing after? Maybe kacchan was right. He approached the edge and looked off the side. He hold his breath and backed away with a big sigh, killing himself wouldn't fix a thing about the world. He turned to the edge once more seeing a large fire. "Waw that must be a huge villain!" He smiles getting out his now fully dryed book some green stains on it from the villain his smile soon fading. "What's the point?" He asked himself going for the staircase. As he walked he began to draw a picture of the villain. Something his never done. Writing his weekends and advantages he knows of.

     Advantages: allys/secluded spaces, element of surprise, no real body, grates?.

     Weaknesses: Almight, places that store liquid(water bottle. Ect)

     -uses dark allys to attack a victim by choking them to death with his liquid body
     -uses others body's to blend into society?

he smiled enjoying this activity. That's when he looked up and seen the villain once again, oddly exited to see the villain again so he could Finnish his notes he went up the the crowd adding a few things to those notes.

     Advantages: allys/secluded spaces, element of surprise, no real body, grates?.

     Weaknesses: Almight, places that store liquid(water bottle. Ect)

     -uses dark allys to attack a victim by choking them to death with his liquid body
     -uses others body's to blend into society?
     -will come out of hiding if needed

That's when he nodices, he has someone else, another person suffering the way he did. that's scary. The villain turned and it was kacchan. He was the one suffering. He couldn't move as he seenpros attempt to attack the villain and kacchan even though trapped fighting. He added more to the list.

     Advantages: ally ways/secluded spaces, element of surprise, no real body, grates?.

     Weaknesses: Almight, places that store liquid(water bottle. Ect)

     -uses dark allys to attack a victim by choking them to death with his liquid body
     -uses others' bodies to blend into society?
     -will come out of hiding if needed
     -immine to fire?(Can he evaporate?)
Izuku looked up at the villain again on the other page getting a better drawing of him. with seeing him in person it was a lot better then the first. he drew bakugo in the picture as well. Izuku smiles at the picture, he's only ever drawn heroes but he didn't mind this new villain drawing. From the corner of his eye he sees another cloud of smoke, same as Almight's. That's when he reappeared, ending up taking down the villain by hand and handing him over to the police. Of course he did. He's Almight. The greatest, most selfless person ever right?.. right? That's when he got an idea, training! Of course he couldn't be a hero with this body right? He smiles and starts taking off home to his mother, seeing her face after being hm told her could never become a hero hurt, more than ever but it was with the while for her amazing food. He sat, said thank you for the food and began to scoff down his food. "I'm going to start training tomorrow mom" he smiles looking at his mother. "For what dear?" She responded, her smile sweet "well the hero exam is just 6 months away and I should really get started if I want to be one!" He exitedly said "oh dear your still going to try out for that?.. it's dangerous isn't it?.." she had the face any mother would have, worry. "Yes of course I am mom it's my dream" he gave her a thumbs up with a reassuring smile. Once done with the food he kissed her cheek and walked into his room.


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