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Several days passed and we all were finally back to our jobs. It was back to normal as can be.
We were having.  Today was Friday after six p.m.   We were having dinner at my nieces home.  We would be going to the car show hosted by New Beginnings.  Lisa would be hosting the dinner at her home which was no longer mine. Avery disclosed to me a few days that she realized why my ex wife and I got a divorce.  She said she started putting the pieces together like a puzzle.  She said only June was the other person who knew and it would stay quiet.  I was appreciative.  Maura had figured it out too after she asked Avery some questions.  Avery didn't say much per Maura. My ex wife is intelligent and figured it out. She told me she should of figured it out sooner.

Aspen: Everyone listen up. I want to thank everyone for coming to June and Avery's lovely home. We all appreciate each and everyone one of you for the kind words in your text accepting our relationships.
Kendra: It's my turn.
Avery and June have given me the green light to make this announcement public. Alot of you will be caught off guard. Avery, Lisa, June and I are engaged.  Yes engaged. They got a divorce the other day in Mexico.  Tonight we are having their engagement party. They only want gifts to made out to the charities you all love to support in their names. Lisa will still be a Marcos as a judge but will be a Rizzoli as everything else. June will take on  Aspen's last name. Tomorrow evening at Lisa and Avery's home will the reception.  During the car show fundraiser will be the wedding ceremony which I will gladly officiate.

Avery looks at her aunt's. THEY all smile at her.

Jane: I  am so happy for you two baby girl.  I know this is your third marriage. Lisa I want you two to be happy.  I knew you couldn't get rid of the Rizzoli name for long. Thank you for keeping your word and now I can have my own pension.

Maura, Lisa and Avery laugh at my pension statement. 


Lisa hugs me and Maura. She thanks us both for the kind words.

Avery: Christina will be take photos and place them on line for our family and friends to order.  Its getting late.  We will see you all tomorrow.

The following morning everyone meets with their vintage vehicles at  MAURA'S property.  Some of us have eaten and others haven't.  The ones who haven't eaten are waiting for the food vendors to finish cooking so we can purchase food and beverages to eat.

While we are all waiting, Lupe announces on the speaker for everyone to meet at the information booth for a special double wedding.

We walk over there.  My brother is dressed casual at the request of my niece.  It's a Hawaiian theme. We'll have fresh leis around out neck with our sunglasses, shorts, shoes on. Kendra says her words for them to all kiss.
We all clapped and hugged them.

Kendra: I like to officially announce Mrs.June and Aspen Rae. Mrs. Lisa and Avery Rizzoli.   We have a dance floor over here and Aisha Peeples will sing your first couple dance for you.

They danced. My ex and my nieces looked so happy. Maura , my daughter,  daughter,  my brothers and their wives cried and we all danced together.  People left to go eat breakfast.
The day went well. We all loaded up the recycling and Madison,  Antonio, Laura, Frankie,  Kevin, June and Jane left to go to the recycling centers to cash in the bottles, cans and cardboard. Everyone else was already making their way to Lisa and Avery's home.

This mine and Lisa's home.

We moved next to my ex wife

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We moved next to my ex wife. Julianne designed it and our family worked on inside while the professionals worked on the outside.
We loved out New home as wife and wife. DURING THE CAR SHOW, Lupe announced half of the monies raised would be going for habit humanity and the Lisa's private diesel washer and drying services for the homeless.  While they washed and dried their clothes at a local community centers Maura and Lola's medical clinics would be providing free medical services for people who needed it.

Avery had paid for a dj to play music for the celebration.  The four of us were happy to be married.   June and Aspen went home to probably consumate their marriage as we did.

The end

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