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Murtasim and Meerab stepped out of the room leaving everyone behind, and a wave of emotions washed over them, mingling with the air of uncertainty that hung heavy around them. With their baby girl nestled in Murtasim's protective embrace, her tiny form a testament to their enduring bond, they traversed the corridor, each step echoing the rhythm of their intertwined destinies.

Meerab's heart fluttered with a mixture of relief and trepidation. The sight of Meesam, cradled against her baba's chest, brought a surge of warmth that spread through her, soothing the frayed edges of her soul. Yet, beneath the surface, a torrent of emotions churned—fear, uncertainty, and a glimmer of hope intertwining like threads in a delicate tapestry.

Murtasim, too, was grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. Holding his daughter close, he felt a profound sense of protectiveness wash over him, a primal instinct to shield her from the storms that raged outside. Yet, amidst the turmoil, there was a flicker of peace, a ray of light that pierced through the darkness—the knowledge that they were together, facing the unknown as a united front.

As they made their way down the corridor, their gazes met in silent communion, words unnecessary amidst the unspoken bond that tethered their souls. In each other's eyes, they found peace, the tranquility they had longed for the past two years.

However, their daughter had different plans. Despite the warmth and security of Murtasim's embrace, Meesam continued to fuss and sob. Meerab couldn't bear to see her daughter in distress, so she gently reached out her arms towards her. Without hesitation, Meesam reached out to her mother, seeking solace in her embrace. Murtasim's heart ached at the sight, torn between wanting to hold onto his daughter and wanting to soothe her pain.

Reluctantly, Murtasim handed Meesam over to Meerab, and as if by magic, the tears ceased the moment she was in her mother's arms. It was a moment of wonder and awe for Murtasim, realizing the power of a mother's love to comfort and soothe. With a soft smile playing on his lips, he watched as Meesam snuggled into Meerab's embrace, her tiny fists rubbing her tired eyes.

Meerab, noticing Meesam's drowsiness, spoke softly, "she's sleepy." Her words brought a sense of tenderness to Murtasim's heart, and he responded by wrapping his arms around Meerab, offering her his silent support. Together, they began to make their way towards the stairs, ready to retire to their quarters and put their daughter down for the much needed nap. The poor child had a quite a handful of a day.

However, their moment of peace was interrupted by Bakhtu's voice calling out to Murtasim. Irritation flashed across Murtasim's face at the interruption so craned his neck and glared back at the old man scaring him, "Kuch zaroori bat hai Malik'' he responded folding his hands in front..

Murtasim did not want to deal with anything at this very moment but he restrained himself, knowing that whatever Bakhtu had to say could wait, "Kuch der main ata hoon", he responded with a sigh and began walking behind Meerab, his eyes landing on their daughter who was just looking at him with her face resting on Meerab's shoulder as they ascended the stairs. There was something in her eyes, they were so pure that he felt his knnes buckle at their shine and purity.

Behind them , Haya stood at the doorway, her gaze fixated on the retreating figures of Murtasim, Meerab, and their daughter, a whirlwind of emotions engulfed her. Anger, frustration, and a profound sense of betrayal churned within her, threatening to consume the last vestiges of her composure.

How had she ended up in this wretched predicament? It was a question that echoed in her mind, taunting her with its unanswered complexity. She had been so close to achieving her goal, so close to finally claiming what she believed was rightfully hers. And yet, in the blink of an eye, it had all slipped through her fingers, evaporating like mist in the morning sun.

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