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on the first day of prep, liam lawson and his parents walked into the prep building. they went to put his back in his bagbox when liam saw the prettiest girl hes ever seen walking towards him.

isla richards went to put her bag in her bagbox, with her parents when she saw a blonde boy staring at her. isla being a six year old, (like everyone else in her class) was confused. she also felt as if she was going to cry because she knew her parents wouldnt be here with her for the whole day.

isla slide her bag in the bagbox, with the boy still staring. the two childrens parents conversed in conversation about their kids starting primary school.

"im liam" the blonde says. isla looks up at him, his bag right above hers. "im isla". liam smiled. isla does the same.

the kids walk into the classroom together, their parents following behind. they get their name badges off the teacher, something that they will wear for the first week of prep so the kids all know each others names.

luckily for the new bestfriends, they've already got names that they wont be forgetting anytime soon.


the second term of grade two, liam and isla's plan was set in place. at first break, the two were to be married in the sandpit with their friends all being invited.

liam had proposed during maths, as they were sticking down shapes into their maths books. isla obviously said yes and they sealed the deal with a sneaky kiss on the cheek when the teacher wasnt looking.

first break had rolled around, and liam and isla left the classroom holding hands. little did they know, another girl in the level, tayla, had a big crush on liam (but it wasnt as big as islas!).

the bride and groom to be, along with their friends, had all gone down to the sandpit. james, a boy in their class who had agreed to officate the wedding, noticed tayla talking to their teacher, mrs hall, as she pointed toward the direction of the wedding.

mrs hall made her way over to the sand-filled box, and spotted the uniformed kids. "whats this?" mrs hall spoke in her nicest voice. "mrs hall, isla and i are getting married!" the excited boy said.

when break finished, the newlyweds got back to class. they did english and p.e, and as the second break bell rung, mrs hall came up to liam and isla.

she held the two in at breaktime because they shouldnt be getting married at school. isla almost started crying when mrs hall left the room, as the 8 year old girl was terrified. liam moved his chair closer to hers and hugged her.

they broke off the hug when they heard mrs hall opening the door. turns out, mrs hall had called the twos parents but little did the teacher know, liam and islas mother, and liams dad were all for this relationship. tim, islas dad however, was overprotective of his only daughter. "you can get a boyfriend when your 30!" he'd told her when she annouced that liam was her boyfriend

that day when the final school bell rung and all the kids went home, isla fell asleep with a smile on her face. as did liam.


today was the day that the best friends had been waiting for. graduation. the final day of their schooling life. with liam not being here most of the year with his formula 3, he had made it just in time for graduation.

he sprinted into the school ground, and made a
bee-line to the oval where the grad ceremony was. liam was panting as he came and sat down next to isla.

"right on time" she whispered in his ear. isla kissed her boyfriends cheek as liam placed his hand in hers.

after lots of sitting, standing, speaches and shedded tears, the final school bell rung. liam and isla bolted to their familys and they all left at the same time. that night, the lawson and richards family celebrated by having a nice dinner that liam and isla picked out (it was maccas).

after everyone was full, the richards family went home. well, not all the richards. isla and liam were cuddled in his bed. he layed on her chest, with her hand slipped under his shirt, massaging his back.

liam sighed and smelt the scent of his girl that he knew all too well. isla kissed the top of his head and the two started to drift to sleep.

"i love you" liam said, kissing her cheek.

"i love you" isla said back. isla never really believed in saying 'i love you too', as she thought it sounded as if she was just returning the favour.

liam and isla both went to bed with smiles on their faces. much like the night the two married all those years ago.

s speaks!
the childhood bestfriends to lovers trope is my favourite. also cuties getting married in grade two 🤍

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