The orange and blue theory

Start from the beginning

Feeling her partner's presence, the artist turned her head and faced Becky.

The international actress heard that conversation, and her eyes were filled with tears.

They exchanged a silent glance that carried their thoughts and feelings.

Freen kissed the girl's forehead and confessed:

__ You're right. Your mom brought my happiness back. She multiplied the joy of having you in my life. As you know, I couldn't have made you without her. The two most important people for me share the same naughty face.

Becky and Lily giggled and the Thai-British took the chance to hug her woman and daughter once again.

__ Sorry to overhear your private talk, girls. But I wanna point out I'm the happiest because of you both, too.

Smirking, Freen and the tiny one spoke in unison:

__ I know.

The brown-haired female widened her eyes and exclaimed:

__ Wow! And people say this tiny bean is my clone. Look at her acting like Mummy.

Lily and Freen laughed and pulled the Thai-British for another hug.

Then, the brunette asked:

__ Baby, Mom and I told people to help rescue animals because you love doing good deeds. But we can buy you all the birthday presents you want. You know that, right?

Looking at the couple with sparky eyes, the adorable kid affirmed:

__ Mummy and mom always give me everything. Lily is fine. Maybe a little brother or sister someday, right?

Both actresses blushed and avoided eye contact.

The child laughed and said she was gonna play with her friends.

__ x __

Freenbecky's new series was released on December 22nd and the first episode broke all the Thai records.

The four main stars watched it together at a bar and the proximity between Nadech, Yaya, Freen, and Becky brought curiosity and excitement to the fans.

Even though Christmas was not as relevant to Thailand as it was to the Western countries, the Armstrongs wanted to celebrate it in their traditional way.

Robin and Rawee bought a resort and asked the girls to stay there with the family until the beginning of January.

The two actresses packed their bags and hit the road on the 23rd.

Once again, Freen's mother joined the Armstrong family.

This time, neither of the women got even closer to the kitchen or did any kind of task.

Becky's father made sure all of them would be pampered.

Lily was excited and chose Richie as her target.

The uncle had to be her brother-in-arms to explore the entire place and do all the activities.

Freen noticed a bittersweet expression on her partner's face while the 28-year-old watched their girl dragging Richie everywhere.

__ Are you okay, teerak?__ She dared to ask, unlike her past self, who would just hug her lover.

Despite hesitating, the brown-haired one confessed:

__ I missed so much about our daughter. Maybe I wouldn't be mature enough back then. But it's something I can't recover.

The dark-haired one looked down and whispered:

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