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He still remembers the day when he first laid eyes on the boy

"Han Tae Oh "

First it was just curiosity the boy seemed so full of himself that In ha wanted to snatch that proud expression off from his face

Taeoh was the only one in the school who stood his ground against him fully knowing Inha's background and ofcourse inha doesn't like it

Inha was soo used to feeling worthless due to his soo called family he was not even considered a human only his sister hee joo treats him as family
Inha wants everyone to accept his existence he wants to prove himself He acts like a total bully because he wants people to know his worth he doesn't want others to know how he is treated by his own family

His curiosity towards taeoh turns into something more he wanted to know more about him like friends when he offered his friendship he was very much sure that he will be rejected but than they decided to be partners He knew it from the start that Tae oh is just using him he only wants him to climb up the social ladder it was fine
Because all the people around him want something from him

But irrespective of Taeoh's intentions towards him Inha decided to treat him as a friend he just can't stop himself from caring about him treating him like a brother although he knew he would be badly hurt in the end

Things got only worse when Inha sense the attraction of Taeoh towards Hyewon
When he said that he would pursue hyewon if tae oh is not interested he meant it only as a joke to tease him

Taeoh was inha's only friend and he was very possessive of his people he decided to snatch Hyewon from taeoh so he would only have him
And it was so easy. hyewon ,like everyone else wanted to use inha as a ladder he was not naive but he decided to play along as this was the only way to keep his friend for himself

Time passes so quickly they were not teenagers anymore they were grown ups and inha's plan begins to backfire he can sense the relationship between his girlfriend and his friend and he had enough he was going crazy

Tae oh was using him he was going to throw him away after stealing everything he wanted to cry he wanted to scream to let tae oh know he can have everything his position, his girlfriend, his sister whatever he wants. just dont play with his feelings everybody is playing with him He has nobody at this point and his inner monster is eating him up He doesn't want to become a monster


"The reason I exist is you . The reason i exist is to make you chairman" Taeoh said with a determination in his voice

Inha wanted to believe him so badly but he knows
It will only result in his heart break  Tae oh doesn't want him he doesn't treat him as a friend but as a key to his sucess Inha wanted to beg him to just say the truth for once but he decided not to say anything


Taeoh was getting ready for bed when his phone started to ring it was inha its 3 in the morning why is he calling me now he picks he call "Hello"

"Sir your friend is drunk at our bar can you pick him up " a stranger's voice appeared on the other end

"Text me the address i will be there in a minute " he cuts the call grabbing his keys from the counter and  rushing outside still in his pajamas.things he do for inha

He parks his card rushing in the bar inha was passed out at the vip table
"Yaaa inha wake up" he said shaking him inha raises his head slightly his eyes opening a little he was wasted

"Nae Chinguu (my friend)"
Taeoh freezes , inha used to call him that at the start of their friendship but as time passes they were more like boss and employee inha draws a line at some point making taeoh questioning their friendship.
Taeoh went still when he feels inha hugging his waist his head resting against Taeoh's stomach
Taeoh looks down at him he was looking soo harmless so innocent that taeoh want to protect his friend forever
"Come on let's get you home " taeoh support him so he can stand and drag him to his car The drive was silent inha was passed out completely
Taeoh decided to take inha to his home because he doesn't want to face Hyewon right now
Its soo complicated with her that would be a lie if he say he is not attracted to her he always had been interested in her but when inha shows his interest in her taeoh decided to step back inha was important if hyewon is a want inha is a need , A need which is necessary if taeoh wants a bright future his attraction towards Hyewon stops him from telling inha about hyewon schemes he fell guity a thousand times about this through all these years but he remained quite
His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of inha's phone it was Hyewon he picks up the call
"Hello " he said in low voice he doesn't want inha to wake up who was sleeping soundly
"Taeoh ??is inha with you right now "Hyewon said worriedly

"Yeah he was passed out drunk at a bar they called me so i picked him up "

"Why didn't they call me ?"she said sounded a little annoyed by the fact

"How would i know "

"Bring him home " she said and cuts the call without listening to him

Taeoh cursed under his breath and turn his car towards inha's home. Hyewon sounded annoyed by the fact that they didn't call her but why it was not something to be mad at . Over the years hyewon has changed a lot too she treats taeoh like a servant like he is selfish and everything happened between them was his fault Nowadays it feels like she is getting obbssessed with inha she always reacts extreme when he and inha are together
Does she think he will tell inha about her schemes if he was to do that he would have done that a long time ago but he doesn't want to get involved between them

He himself got surprised when waiters call him to pick inha up they usually call from speed dials or to family he decided to check inha phone inha's speed dial was empty he checks his recent call they were all work calls but the thing that got him surprised was the fact  that he was marked as family in inha's contact even hyewon was not marked as family
He looks towards inha who was still sleeping soundly his gaze softens

Inha acts so tough like a Villain but he still have a soft side he remembers at the start of their friendship how inha treated him . Did taeoh behavior make him change? Now he doesn't give a damn about taeoh , about his feelings ,about his dreams now he only cares for himself he has changed into a person taeoh can't trust Taeoh wants to cry how can he lose such a genuine person for his future or for a girl sometimes he just wants his old friend back he misses his friend he is alone now

He parks the car in front of inha's house his thoughts coming to a stop he tried to wake him up but he didn't stir he picks him up and carry him to the door he rings the bell waiting

Hyewon opens the door to taeoh carrying inha on his back she let taeoh to their bedroom where he laid inha on the bed removing his shoes and covering him with a blanket hyewon just watches them quietly

"Are u having second thoughts on prioritizing me over your friend" hyewon asked sternly

"I am not going to tell inha about your scheme if that's what you are worried about " he said in a serious tone facing her

"Taeoh i think you are changing i think you care about inha more than me do you even  like me anymore?" Hyewon said coming closer to taeoh

"I ... I don't kn" before he can complete his sentence hyewon covered his lips with her own he just stood there

Hyewon tongue lick his lips asking for permission after a little resistance he gives in opening his mouth their tongues exploring each others mouth the kiss grow hotter and hotter

Taeoh hands grabs hyewon by her waist pushing her against the wall and rubbing himself against her
Hyewon lets out a load moan bringing him back to his senses  he brokes the kiss stumbling backwards

"I am sorry i didn't know what came over me "he said wiping his lips from the back of his hands

Hyewon watches him in a daze " but i want this i want you " she came forward and tries to kiss him again

Taeoh pushes her away quickly "No !! This was a mistake you are going to marry inha for God's sake "

" But i don't love him i love you taeoh i love you he will not know about this i promise" she said holding his arms

"No i don't want inha to be heartbroken i have already betrayed him by not telling him about your intentions but I don't wanna break him he is still my friend i care about him too " he snatches his hand away from her grip

" But he treats you like a stepping stone he is using you he is going to throw you away when he is done "

"You treat me like that too you say you love me but you don't care about me you always thinks of yourself first that's not love i know that inha is only using me now but at least in the start he treated me like a friend i betrayed him first nowadays i feel so lonely sometimes at those times i don't miss you hyewon i miss inha " he let out a shaky breath he is so tired of these useless emotions

"Just take care of him please even if you are going to betray him , till then treat him right "he takes a final look at sleeping inha and leaves hyewon still standing there in the dark room

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