Chapter 4

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"Help me up." I tried to raise my stone heavy body. I felt sore all over, my head ached, and it was like something in me was still asleep.

"Sam!" Nick fretted as I tried to rouse myself. "Don't!"

"I'm fine! Just-!" I felt frustrated. "Help!" I pulled my upper body from the bed, and managed to start shifting my legs to the edge.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Nick rushed out as he grabbed onto me and helped me from the bed as I spring myself up. Even though he knew I was supposed to be resting, Nick had an incredibly hard time telling me no. Sure, previously he was the king of "no," but recently he was unable to say it. Too much had happened for him to have the heart to say it.

"To find Neil." I rolled my eyes a bit at him and I stood on weary, shaking, and unsteady legs.

If Nick thought I wasn't going to react to what he had told me about Neil and Ramsey, he had another thing coming. Neil was a baby, even compared to me! Ramsey was unknown, and I couldn't in good conscience let my new (and only) best friend leave back across the country without one damn say in it!

Nick was still beside me, holding my arm as I tried to walk. I didn't have any strength really, it wasn't pain, it was numbness, which then quickly fell into intense tingling.

"I'm okay!" I repeated, despite my baby steps which nearly caused me to fall face forward.

"You can't exactly go anywhere right now, not easily! You're weak!" His eyebrows knotted together in anger, but he still held onto me.

W-What's happening? Winter's groggy voice came into my mind.

In that moment whatever felt asleep in me vanished, meaning that odd feeling was Winter asleep. I guessed at that moment that we probably had the same awake and sleep cycles...but of course, why wouldn't we?

"Bout time you showed up!" I threw my emotion at him suddenly as I struggled to walk on weak legs.

What-what's going on? Winter seemed disoriented and confused.

"I was gonna ask you," I replied as I felt my body start to fall. Nick caught onto me though, keeping me from the floor.

"You can't just-!" Nick started, but was cut off by the door opening. He lifted me up into his arms, carrying me like I was a princess, much to my horrifying embarrassment.

"L-Luna?" I heard Neil's familiar stutter.

"Neil!" I shouted as he peaked his head into the doorway.

I glanced up and saw Nick make a slight face, he was clearly a bit annoyed, but with me in his arms there was more that he was worried about.

"Y-Yes?" He moved a bit more in the door.

I suddenly smelled another scent, Nick growled a bit, signaling that he too smelt it.

"Neil just come inside," Nick sighed as he carried me back to the bed, setting me down gently, but letting my upper body be raised upwards, to see and converse.

I feel like I was hit with a thousand pound fireball. Winter groaned and moaned.

"No shit," I retorted, "we have been out like lights for a while."

Fuck. It was like I could see Winter's eyes rolling.

Neil slide into the door, and there following directly behind him, was Ramsey. That was scent that I and, by  virtue, Nick, had smelt.

What's that kid doing here? Winter asked suddenly. Why's he with the big doofus ass?

"According to Nick, they are...mates?" I raised an eyebrow at myself, rethinking my response.

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