Chapter 5

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Rarity's POV
I gulped as the cats bristled with hostility. "What are we going to do?" I whisper to Twilight. "Don't worry, I'll figure out something" she whispered back. "Your coming with us. Mallownose, Lizardpaw, Make sure they don't run off. Misty star will want to know about this."
"Yes Reedwhisker." They said simultaneously. They started shoving me and Twiligjt forward. "How dare you! I'm a lady. One such as I shouldn't be pushed around!" I snarled. Lizardpaw, the one pushing me, just rolled his eyes. "Drama queen." He muttered. I pretended not to hear him.
We finally arrived to an area surrounded by a river. As Twilight, Reedwhisker, and Mallownose went through the river, I stayed put, making it so that Lizarspaw couldn't cross. "For the love of Starclan move it!" He growled. I put my snout up in the air. "Humph! No lady like I should be addressed that way. Besides, if I go through the water, my fur will get messed up!" I complained. Twilight shot me a look of anxiety and a hint of annoyance. "Please, Rarity. Just do what the cat says. You can take care of your fur later. I groaned as I put my paws one at a time in the river.
Despite my fur was messed up, I liked the feeling the water gave me as I crossed. When we entered the camp, Reedwhisker signaled the others. "Stay here while I get Mistystar." I watched as he headed to an area where dead fish rested. "What's that?" Twilight said, horrified. "The Freshkill pile." Mallownose states matter of factly. "It's where we keep our food. Have you not eaten fish before?" Twilight and I shook our heads. "What a shame." After he finished his thoughts, Reedwhisker came back with Mistystar.
"What is going on? And what are you doing here on Riverclan territory?" Mistystar asked calmly.
"We are so sorry for intruding! We didn't know!" Twilight said, trying to stay calm. I cleared my throat. "Yes, and we were wondering if it would alright if we could stay here a night or two." I said. Mistystar looked thoughtful for a moment. She looked at Reedwhisker and then back to us. "You can stay, as long as you train in our ways and remain loyal to us." Twilight and I nodded. "We promise." We said in unison. Mistystar purred, nodding. "Good. But if you make one wrong paw step, we won't hesitate to drive you out. Am I clear?" "Yes. Crystal" I said. "Well then, welcome to Riverclan."
Well I learned a lesson, and that is if you don't constantly update, people will beg and or die from it. I try to update as soon as I can, but it will be random. I know I can't update tomorrow for reasons, but yea I was busy. So anyway that just happened, and I wonder what will happen next and who's POV we'll be following. Anyway, next chapter coming soon! :3

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